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kè fú

English translation of 克服


In Chinese context, '克服' is used to express the meaning of conquering or getting through difficulties, barriers and obstacles. An example of usage would be '克服困难' that translates to 'overcome difficulties'.

Example sentences using: 克服


wǒmen xūyào kèfú zhège nántí.

English translation of 我们需要克服这个难题。

We need to overcome this difficulty.

This sentence shows the use of '克服' when discussing the need to handle a difficult situation or problem.


tā yīzhí zài nǔlì kèfú tā de kǒngjù.

English translation of 他一直在努力克服他的恐惧。

He has been working hard to overcome his fear.

The phrase can be used to indicate the act of overcoming negative psychological states such as fear.


nǐ xūyào kèfú de bù zhǐshì zhè yīcì de cuòzhé.

English translation of 你需要克服的不只是这一次的挫折。

What you need to overcome is not just this one setback.

In this context, '克服' is used to indicate overcoming setbacks or failures.


nìjìng huì ràng wǒmen xuéhuì rúhé kèfú kùnnán.

English translation of 逆境会让我们学会如何克服困难。

Adversity will teach us how to overcome difficulties.

This sentence shows how '克服' can be used while talking about learning to deal with difficult situations or adversities.


tā tōngguò nǔlì kèfú le yǔyán zhàng'ài.

English translation of 他通过努力克服了语言障碍。

He overcame the language barrier through hard work.

This sentence uses '克服' to describe the act of overcoming a language barrier.


nǐ zhǐyǒu kèfú kǒngjù, cái néng chángshì xīn de shìwù.

English translation of 你只有克服恐惧,才能尝试新的事物。

Only by overcoming fear can you try new things.

This sentence uses '克服' to illustrate the idea that fear must be overcome in order to try new experiences.


tā zǒng shì jījí miàn duì wèntí, bìng kèfú kùnnán.

English translation of 她总是积极面对问题,并克服困难。

She always faces problems positively and overcomes difficulties.

This sentence presents '克服' as part of an attitude towards positively overcoming challenges.


wǒmen bìxū yǒu juédìng kèfú suǒyǒu kùnnán.

English translation of 我们必须有决心克服所有困难。

We must have the determination to overcome all difficulties.

This example uses '克服' to express the need for determination in overcoming any difficulties.


kèfú kùnnán shì chénggōng de guānjiàn.

English translation of 克服困难是成功的关键。

Overcoming difficulties is the key to success.

This sentence shows that '克服' is a crucial aspect of achieving success.


wǒ bìxū kèfú zhège nántí cái néng jìxù xià yībù.

English translation of 我必须克服这个难题才能继续下一步。

I must overcome this difficulty in order to proceed to the next step.

This phrase uses '克服' to describe the need to conquer obstacles in order to progress.

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