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kāng kǎi

English translation of 慷慨


The Chinese word '慷慨' refers to the act of giving or the willingness to give more than is expected. It can be used to describe someone who is generous in terms of sharing their time, money, resources etc. It can also refer to a generous act or gesture.

Example sentences using: 慷慨


tā yǐ kāngkǎi de xīn zuò císhàn.

English translation of 他以慷慨的心做慈善。

He does charity with a generous heart.

This sentence is used to showcase a person's generosity, especially in the aspect of charity. 慷慨 is used here to describe the person's heart (心), signifying that he gives willingly and abundantly.


kāngkǎi de rén yǒngyuǎn bù jìjiào huíbào.

English translation of 慷慨的人永远不计较回报。

A generous person never counts the return.

In this context, 慷慨 is used to describe a person's character. It implies that this person gives freely without expecting anything in return.


duì fěnsī, tā zǒng shì kāngkǎi de.

English translation of 对粉丝,他总是慷慨的。

He is always generous to his fans.

The sentence illustrates how the subject (他, he) is generous (慷慨) towards his fans (粉丝). It suggests a willingness to share or give away something.


kāngkǎi jiěnáng, lìxíng císhàn.

English translation of 慷慨解囊,力行慈善。

Generously donate and actively practice charity.

This is an idiomatic expression encouraging people to be charitable. 慷慨解囊 means to give generously while 力行慈善 suggests the active implementation of charity.


tā kāngkǎi de juānkuǎn zhīchí xuéxiào.

English translation of 他慷慨的捐款支持学校。

He generously donated to support the school.

This sentence shows that the person (他) has made a generous donation (慷慨的捐款) to support the school (支持学校).


tā kāngkǎi de fùchū, què dédào hěnshǎo.

English translation of 他慷慨的付出,却得到很少。

He gave generously, but received little.

In this sentence, 慷慨的付出 signifies that the person gave out a lot, possibly time or resources, but got little in return.


tā yīn kāngkǎi ér bèi shòu zūnjìng.

English translation of 他因慷慨而备受尊敬。

He is highly respected for his generosity.

Here, 慷慨 is the reason for the subject's (他, he) high regard. The term implies that the subject's generous character has earned him much respect.


tā kāngkǎi de fēnxiǎng tā de cáifù.

English translation of 他慷慨的分享他的财富。

He generously shares his wealth.

This sentence is about the subject (他, he) sharing his wealth (他的财富) generously (慷慨的).


tā kāngkǎi de xīn, shǐ měi gèrén dōu gǎndòng.

English translation of 他慷慨的心,使每个人都感动。

His generous heart moved everyone.

In this sentence, 慷慨的心 refers to the subject's generous heart that has touched or affected all people.


tā duì suǒyǒu rén dōu kāngkǎi wúsī.

English translation of 她对所有人都慷慨无私。

She is generous and selfless to everyone.

This statement expresses the character trait of the female subject, emphasizing her generosity and selflessness to everyone.

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