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English translation of 开


In the Chinese language, '开' is a translation of the English word 'on' and it is primarily used to state that something is turned on or in operation. Its usage can be similar to the English use of 'on' as in examples like 'the light is on' or 'the computer is on', where in Chinese we may say '灯开了' or '电脑开了'.

Example sentences using:


bàba kāichē sòng wǒ qù xuéxiào.

English translation of 爸爸开车送我去学校。

Dad drives me to school.

This sentence implies a routine where the speaker's father drives them to school.


wǒ míngtiān yào kāichē qù gōngyuán.

English translation of 我明天要开车去公园。

I will drive to the park tomorrow.

This sentence is indicating a future action where the speaker is planning to drive to a park.


tā kāi bīngxiāng ná chū yī píng yǐnliào.

English translation of 他开冰箱拿出一瓶饮料。

He opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of drink.

In this sentence, the verb '开' is used to describe the action of opening a refrigerator.


xiàkè hòu, wǒmen qù kāihuì.

English translation of 下课后,我们去开会。

After class, we will have a meeting.

The sentence states that the intended activity after classes is to have a meeting.


tā bāng wǒ kāi le dēng.

English translation of 他帮我开了灯。

He turned on the light for me.



wǒmen gōngsī yào kāi xīn de fēndiàn.

English translation of 我们公司要开新的分店。

Our company is going to open a new branch.

This sentence talks about an upcoming event where a new branch of the company is set to open.


qǐng nǐ bāng wǒ kāi chuāng.

English translation of 请你帮我开窗。

Can you help me open the window?

This sentence is asking for a favor to open the window.


tā kāixīn de xiào le.

English translation of 她开心地笑了。

She laughed happily.

In this sentence, '开心' means 'happy'. It shows that '开' can also be used inside words.


kāixué zhīqián wǒ yào mǎi xīn shūbāo.

English translation of 开学之前我要买新书包。

I want to buy a new school bag before the start of the school year.

'开学' means 'the start of the school year'. The speaker plans to buy a new school bag before it starts.


měitiān zǎoshang wǒ kāi zhe diànnǎo kāishǐ gōngzuò.

English translation of 每天早上我开着电脑开始工作。

Every morning, I turn on the computer to start work.

In this context, '开' means 'turn on'. The speaker routinely turns on their computer to start work each morning.

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