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English translation of 军事


In Chinese, '军事' refers to anything relating to the armed forces or war. It can be used in complex terms like '军事行动' (military action) or '军事力量' (military power). Just like English, it can also be used to describe a person's demeanor or strategy, for example, '他的军事头脑' (his military mind).

Example sentences using: 军事


Zhè běn shū tàntǎo jūnshì zhànlüè.

English translation of 这本书探讨军事战略。

This book discusses military strategy.

This example talks about a book where the main topic is about military strategy.


Tā zài jūnshì xuéyuàn xuéxí.

English translation of 他在军事学院学习。

He is studying in a military academy.

In this phrase, the person is currently learning in an institution that educates on military studies.


Jūnshì xíngdòng yǐjīng kāishǐ.

English translation of 军事行动已经开始。

Military action has already begun.

This sentence expresses that a military operation or exercise has already started.


Wǒ duì jūnshì wúzhī.

English translation of 我对军事无知。

I am ignorant about the military.

This phrase expresses the speaker's lack of knowledge or understanding about military matters.


Tā dǎoyǎnle yī chū jūnshì jù.

English translation of 他导演了一出军事剧。

He directed a military play.

In this example, a person directed a theatrical production with a military theme or storyline.


Jūnshì lìliàng shì bǎohù guójiā de zhòngyào shǒuduàn.

English translation of 军事力量是保护国家的重要手段。

Military force is an important means of protecting the country.

In this phrase, it conveys that military force is critical to the security and protection of a state or nation.


Zhège guójiā jūnshì shèbèi xiānjìn.

English translation of 这个国家军事设备先进。

This country's military equipment is advanced.

This sentence indicates that a certain country possesses highly developed or advanced military equipment.


Tā zhuānmén yánjiū jūnshì lìshǐ.

English translation of 他专门研究军事历史。

He specializes in studying military history.

In this example, the person is deeply involved or has an expertise in studying the history of military affairs or wars.


Tā kāishǐ xuéxí jūnshì jìshù.

English translation of 他开始学习军事技术。

He started to learn military technology.

This sentence tells that a person has begun studying or learning about technology used in the military or warfare.


Jūnshì juécè xūyào shěnshèn.

English translation of 军事决策需要审慎。

Military decision-making needs to be prudent.

This phrase implies that the process of making decisions regarding military affairs needs to be done carefully taking all aspects into consideration.

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