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jiù yè

English translation of 就业


The Chinese word '就业' is used to describe the act of getting a job or finding work, similar to the English term 'employment'. It is often used in situations related to job seeking, work situations, or labor markets. Like 'employment' in English, it can be used in various contexts including economics, social studies, and everyday conversation.

Example sentences using: 就业


Bì yè hòu jiù yè qián jǐng jué dìng le tā shì fǒu liú zài běi jīng.

English translation of 毕业后就业前景决定了他是否留在北京。

The prospect of employment after graduation determines whether he stays in Beijing or not.

In this sentence, 就业 is referring to the concept of finding a job or employment after graduation. The prospect of this future employment is influencing the speaker's decision to stay in Beijing.


Tā de jiù yè zhǐ dǎo lǎo shī gěi le tā hěn duō bāng zhù.

English translation of 他的就业指导老师给了他很多帮助。

His career guidance teacher gave him a lot of help.

In this case, 就业 is referring to the process of becoming employed or finding a job. The teacher is providing guidance or help in this process.


Jiù yè wèn tí shì tā men jiā tíng jīng cháng tán lùn de huà tí.

English translation of 就业问题是他们家庭经常谈论的话题。

Employment issues are a topic often discussed in their family.

Here, 就业 is referring to issues or problems related to getting a job or becoming employed. This is a frequently discussed topic in the speaker's family.


Tā zhèng zài cān jiā yī chǎng jiù yè péi xùn.

English translation of 她正在参加一场就业培训。

She is participating in an employment training.

In this context, 就业 refers to employment-related training. It suggests that she is improving her skills for getting a job.


Zhèng fǔ zhèng zài tuī chū yī xiàng xīn de jiù yè yuán zhù jì huà.

English translation of 政府正在推出一项新的就业援助计划。

The government is launching a new employment assistance program.

In the sentence, 就业 is referring to employment. The government is initiating a new program to assist people in finding jobs or becoming employed.


Wèi le ràng gèng duō rén jiù yè, tā men gōng sī zài kuò dà zhāo pìn.

English translation of 为了让更多人就业,他们公司在扩大招聘。

In order to employ more people, their company is expanding recruitment.

This sentence is discussing employment, referred to by 就业. The company mentioned is making an effort to hire more people, thus increasing employment.


Tā bì yè hòu hěn kuài jiù zhǎo dào le jiù yè de jī huì.

English translation of 他毕业后很快就找到了就业的机会。

He quickly found an employment opportunity after graduating.

In this sentence, 就业 is referring to the opportunity of getting a job or becoming employed. The speaker was able to find this opportunity shortly after graduating.


Yīn wèi yǐ jīng jiù yè, tā jué dìng mǎi yī liàng xīn qì chē.

English translation of 因为已经就业,他决定买一辆新汽车。

Because he has already found a job, he decided to buy a new car.

In this example, 就业 means having a job or being employed. The speaker's employment status has prompted him to decide to purchase a new car.


Tā zhèng zài wèi jiù yè miàn shì zuò zhǔn bèi.

English translation of 她正在为就业面试做准备。

She is preparing for a job interview.

In this context, 就业 is used to refer to getting a job. The speaker is actively preparing for a job interview.


Bì yè shēng jiù yè lǜ shì héng liáng yī gè guó jiā jīng jì zhuàng kuàng de zhòng yào zhǐ biāo.

English translation of 毕业生就业率是衡量一个国家经济状况的重要指标。

The employment rate of graduates is an important indicator of a country's economic conditions.

Here, 就业 indicates employment and is used in the context of a specific rate which portrays how many graduates are able to find jobs. It states that this rate is an important measure of a country's economic conditions.

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