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jiù shì zhǔ

English translation of 救世主


The word '救世主' is used in Chinese to refer to a person who saves people from danger or evil. It is often used in religious contexts. However, it can also be used metaphorically to refer to someone who has a significant positive impact on a difficult situation.

Example sentences using: 救世主


jiù shì zhǔ shì wǒ yī shēng de xī wàng

English translation of 救世主是我一生的希望

The Savior is the hope of my life

The speaker is expressing deep religious belief, placing their hope entirely in the Savior, whose sacrificial love and divine help bring hope to their life.


wǒ men xū yào jiù shì zhǔ de yǐn dǎo

English translation of 我们需要救世主的引导

We need the Savior's guidance

The speaker is expressing the idea that people need spiritual guidance in their lives. They believe this guidance comes from the Savior.


jiù shì zhǔ de ài wú bǐ wěi dà

English translation of 救世主的爱无比伟大

The love of the Savior is unmatched

The speaker is praising the incomparably great love of the Savior, which is seen as surpassing all others.


jiù shì zhǔ duì suǒ yǒu rén dōu chōng mǎn le lián mǐ

English translation of 救世主对所有人都充满了怜悯

The Savior is full of mercy for everyone

The speaker is expressing the belief that the Savior encompasses love for all humanity, and shows mercy to all.


jiù shì zhǔ yǒng yuǎn bù huì lí kāi wǒ

English translation of 救世主永远不会离开我

The Savior will never leave me

Expresses strong faith in the everlasting presence of the Savior, who provides steadfast love and support.


wǒ quán xīn quán yì xìn kào jiù shì zhǔ

English translation of 我全心全意信靠救世主

I trust in the Savior with all my heart

Speaker asserts their absolute faith and trust in the Savior, expressing a full commitment to their belief.


jiù shì zhǔ dài gěi wǒ nèi xīn de píng jìng

English translation of 救世主带给我内心的平静

The Savior brings me inner peace

This denotes the spiritual tranquility that the speaker finds through their faith in the Savior.


jiù shì zhǔ de ēn diǎn chāo chū wǒ men de lǐ jiě

English translation of 救世主的恩典超出我们的理解

The grace of the Savior is beyond our understanding

The speaker is acknowledging the unfathomable nature of the Savior's grace, which exceeds human comprehension.


jiù shì zhǔ de cún zài gěi wǒ lì liàng

English translation of 救世主的存在给我力量

The existence of the Savior gives me strength

The speaker finds strength in the existence of the Savior. This belief gives them the fortitude to face life's difficulties.


jiù shì zhǔ de dào shì wǒ xíng zǒu de dēng

English translation of 救世主的道是我行走的灯

The way of the Savior is the lamp I walk by

The speaker is expressing that the teachings of the Savior illuminate their path in life, guiding them through life's journey.

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