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jìng sài

English translation of 竞赛


The Chinese word '竞赛' is used similarly as 'contest' in English. It generally refers to events or activities where participants compete against each other to win a prize or recognition. It can be used in various contexts such as sports, education, arts, and more.

Example sentences using: 竞赛


Jìngsài yǐjīng kāishǐle

English translation of 竞赛已经开始了

The competition has already begun

This sentence is used to inform that the competition has already started.


Wǒmen zài jìngsài zhōng yíngle

English translation of 我们在竞赛中赢了

We won in the competition

This sentence expresses that 'we' have won the competition.


Tāmen zhèngzài zhǔnbèi jìngsài

English translation of 他们正在准备竞赛

They are preparing for the competition

The sentence suggests that 'they' are in the preparation stage for a competition.


Jìngsài jiéguǒ jiāng zài míngtiān gōngbù

English translation of 竞赛结果将在明天公布

The competition results will be announced tomorrow

This sentence mentions that the results of a competition would be announced the next day.


Jìngsài de guīzé hěn yángé

English translation of 竞赛的规则很严格

The competition rules are strict

The sentence informs that the rules of the competition are being enforced rigorously.


Tā zài jìngsài zhōng biǎoxiàn chūsè

English translation of 她在竞赛中表现出色

She performed excellently in the competition

This sentence compliments 'her' performance in the competition.


Jìngsài duì tā lái shuō shì yīgè tiǎozhàn

English translation of 竞赛对他来说是一个挑战

The competition is a challenge for him

This sentence states that 'he' views the competition as a challenge to overcome.


Wǒ zài zhè xiàng jìngsài zhōng huòdéle dì sān mínɡ

English translation of 我在这项竞赛中获得了第三名

I came third in this competition

This sentence informs about 'my' achievement of the third place rank in a competition.


Tāmen zài jìngsài zhōng qǔdéle shènglì

English translation of 他们在竞赛中取得了胜利

They achieved victory in the competition

This sentence is reporting that 'they' have won the competition.


Jìngsài zài xuéxiào tǐyùchǎng jǔxíng

English translation of 竞赛在学校体育场举行

The competition is held at the school stadium

This sentence tells for the location of a competition which is a school stadium.

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