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English translation of 经典


The Chinese word '经典' literally translates to 'classic'. It is used to refer to something that has been judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind. For instance, a classic piece of literature, film, music, etc. It can also be used to describe anything that is typical or traditional.

Example sentences using: 经典


Zhè bù diànyǐng shì jīngdiǎn de yǐngpiàn.

English translation of 这部电影是经典的影片。

This film is a classic.

This sentence simply states that the film referred to is considered among the long-standing, generally accepted greats in its genre.


Zhè shì yī běn jīngdiǎn de shū.

English translation of 这是一本经典的书。

This is a classic book.

In this context, '经典' means that the book has been widely accepted and is often referenced or used as a guide by people.


Zhè shì jīngdiǎn de yīnyuè.

English translation of 这是经典的音乐。

This is classic music.

This sentence refers to music that has a timeless quality and is widely recognized as significant and worthwhile.


Tā chàng dé fēicháng jīngdiǎn.

English translation of 她唱得非常经典。

She sang very classically.

The singer’s performance is being praised as being of a high standard or classical in style.


Zhège chǎnpǐn shì jīngdiǎn shèjì.

English translation of 这个产品是经典设计。

This product is a classic design.

This sentence expresses that the product's design is considered one of the best and often used as a benchmark.


Wǒmen xuéxí de shì jīngdiǎn de hànyǔ.

English translation of 我们学习的是经典的汉语。

We are learning classic Chinese.

This sentence conveys that the type of Chinese language being learnt is considered traditionally exemplary or noteworthy.


Zhè shì jīngdiǎn de lǚxíng lùxiàn.

English translation of 这是经典的旅行路线。

This is a classic travel route.

This phrase means that travel route is very popular and is often recommended as a must-do by industry insiders.


Nà shì jīngdiǎn de hūnlǐ chǎngjǐng.

English translation of 那是经典的婚礼场景。

That is a classic wedding scene.

This sentence is saying that the wedding scene mentioned is viewed as a perfect, often-referenced example of such events.


Zhè shì yī fú jīngdiǎn de huà.

English translation of 这是一幅经典的画。

This is a classic painting.

The speaker expresses that the painting is very famous and is often considered an example of excellent art.


Wǒ xīnshǎng guò xǔduō jīngdiǎn de diāosù.

English translation of 我欣赏过许多经典的雕塑。

I have admired many classic sculptures.

The phrase means that the speaker has admired many sculptures that are considered to be of the highest quality and reputation.

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