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jǐng bào

English translation of 警报


In Chinese, '警报' refers to an instance of giving notice to a possible danger or problem, quickly or suddenly. This can be any situation where a warning is given, like a fire alarm (火警) or a robbery alarm (抢劫警报). It is used in the same way as 'alarm' in English, which refers to an anxious awareness of danger, or a device that warns or alerts.

Example sentences using: 警报


tā ànxiàle jǐngbào ànnǐu.

English translation of 他按下了警报按钮。

He pressed the alarm button.

This statement implies that the person has activated an alarm by pressing the alarm button.


jǐngbào xìtǒng chūle gùzhàng.

English translation of 警报系统出了故障。

The alarm system has malfunctioned.

This suggests that there's an error or fault with the alarm system, causing it to stop working properly.


jǐngbào shēng xiǎngle qǐlái.

English translation of 警报声响了起来。

The alarm went off.

This phrase is used when an alarm is triggered, making a loud sound to warn people about a situation.


wǒmen zuòle yīcì jǐngbào cèshì.

English translation of 我们做了一次警报测试。

We conducted an alarm test.

This phrase is about performing a trial run or practice of the alarm system to ensure that it works properly.


huǒzāi jǐngbào zài zǎochén xiǎngle.

English translation of 火灾警报在早晨响了。

The fire alarm went off in the morning.

This phrase is used when a fire alarm is triggered, specifically in the morning time.


tā bèi jǐngbào shēng chǎo xǐng.

English translation of 他被警报声吵醒。

He was woken up by the alarm.

This statement means that the person was sleeping and was awakened by the sound of an alarm.


jǐngbào jiāng zài wǔ fēnzhōng hòu xiǎng qǐ.

English translation of 警报将在五分钟后响起。

The alarm will go off in five minutes.

This phrase indicates a future event by using the future tense verb 'will'. It suggests the alarm will be activated after a five-minute interval.


jǐngbào zài shēnyè tūrán xiǎngle qǐlái.

English translation of 警报在深夜突然响了起来。

The alarm suddenly went off in the middle of the night.

The phrase highlights an unexpected or sudden event that happened in the middle of the night.


tāmen tīngdào jǐngbào shēng jiù huāngle.

English translation of 他们听到警报声就慌了。

They panicked when they heard the alarm.

This sentence implies that the people became worried or scared as soon as they heard the alarm sound.


xuéxiào de jǐngbào shèbèi yǐjīng ānzhāng hǎole.

English translation of 学校的警报设备已经安装好了。

The alarm equipment of the school has been installed.

This sentence implies that the process of setting up the alarm equipment at a school has been completed.

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