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jiè zhǐ

English translation of 戒指


In Chinese, the word 'ring' is translated to '戒指'. This word is usually used to describe a circular piece of jewelry that is typically worn on a finger. For example, you can say '这是我祖母的戒指' which means 'This is my grandmother's ring'.

Example sentences using: 戒指


zhè shì wǒ mǔqīn de jièzhǐ.

English translation of 这是我母亲的戒指.

This is my mother's ring.

This sentence describes the origin of the ring, indicating that it belongs to the speaker's mother.


tā bǎ jièzhǐ fàngzài zhuōzi shàng.

English translation of 他把戒指放在桌子上.

He put the ring on the table.

This sentence describes an action where a person places a ring on a table.


wǒ zài shìchǎng shàng kàndào yīgè měilì de jièzhǐ.

English translation of 我在市场上看到一个美丽的戒指.

I saw a beautiful ring in the market.

This sentence describes the speaker seeing a beautiful ring while at a market.


nàgè nánrén zhèngzài shì dài yī méi jièzhǐ.

English translation of 那个男人正在试戴一枚戒指.

The man is trying on a ring.

This phrase describes a man who is in the process of trying on a ring.


nàgè jièzhǐ shì jīn de.

English translation of 那个戒指是金的.

That ring is gold.

This sentence describes a ring being made out of gold.


jièzhǐ shàng yǒu yī kē zuànshí.

English translation of 戒指上有一颗钻石.

There is a diamond on the ring.

This phrase describes a ring which has a diamond on it.


wǒ zhǎodàole wǒ shīqù de nà méi jièzhǐ.

English translation of 我找到了我失去的那枚戒指.

I found the ring I lost.

This sentence describes someone having found a ring that they had previously lost.


zhè méi jièzhǐ dàibiǎo wǒmen de yǒuyì.

English translation of 这枚戒指代表我们的友谊.

This ring represents our friendship.

This sentence states that a particular ring symbolizes the friendship between people.


jiànyú tā de jièzhǐ, tā kěnéng yǐjīng jiéhūn le.

English translation of 鉴于他的戒指,他可能已经结婚了.

Judging from his ring, he might be married.

This phrase uses the presence of a ring to infer that someone is likely to be married.


wǒ fùqīn gěi wǒ yī méi tā de jiù jièzhǐ.

English translation of 我父亲给我一枚他的旧戒指.

My father gave me one of his old rings.

This sentence describes the speaker's father giving them one of his old rings.

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