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jiē shì

English translation of 揭示


The Chinese character '揭示' is used similarly to the English word 'reveal'. It is mostly used when talking about unveiling or exposing something that was previously unknown or hidden. It can be used in various contexts such as in story telling, science or discovery circumstances.

Example sentences using: 揭示


Tā de xiàoróng jiēshìle tā de zhēnshí qínggǎn.

English translation of 她的笑容揭示了她的真实情感。

Her smile revealed her true feelings.

In this sentence, '揭示' expresses that her true feelings were brought to the surface or revealed by her smile.


Tā zài yǎnjiǎng zhōng jiēshìle tā de jìhuà.

English translation of 他在演讲中揭示了他的计划。

He revealed his plans in his speech.

This phrase communicates that the speaker disclosed or revealed his plans during a speech, using '揭示' to signify revealing.


Zhè bù diànyǐng jiēshìle shèhuì xiànshí.

English translation of 这部电影揭示了社会现实。

The film revealed social reality.

In this context, '揭示' suggests that the movie has exposed or brought to light the reality of society.


Xin de zhèngjù jiēshìle ànjiàn de zhēnxiàng.

English translation of 新的证据揭示了案件的真相。

The new evidence revealed the truth of the case.

This sentence is about new evidence uncovering or revealing the truth of a case, where '揭示' suggests revealing or unveiling.


Zhè fèn bàogào jiēshìle tāmen de shībài yuányīn.

English translation of 这份报告揭示了他们的失败原因。

This report revealed the reasons for their failure.

Here, '揭示' is used to express how the report disclosed or revealed the reasons behind a failure.


Zhàopiàn jiēshìle tā niánqīng shí de yàngzi.

English translation of 照片揭示了他年轻时的样子。

The photo revealed what he looked like when he was young.

In this context, '揭示' conveys the idea that the photo has disclosed or revealed what someone looked like in their youth.


Tāmen de xíngwéi jiēshìle tāmen de zhēnshí yìtú.

English translation of 他们的行为揭示了他们的真实意图。

Their behavior revealed their true intentions.

This sentence uses '揭示' to express that the true intentions were revealed or brought to light through somebody's behavior.


Nà běn shū jiēshìle lìshǐ de yīgè mìmì.

English translation of 那本书揭示了历史的一个秘密。

That book revealed a secret of history.

In this phrase, '揭示' signifies that the book has exposed or brought a secret of history to light.


Zhè xiàng fāmíng jiēshìle yī gè xīn de kēxué yuánlǐ.

English translation of 这项发明揭示了一个新的科学原理。

This invention revealed a new scientific principle.

This sentence uses '揭示' to express that a new scientific principle was disclosed or unveiled by an invention.


Zhège yánjiū jiēshìle yīxiē yǒuqù de fāxiàn.

English translation of 这个研究揭示了一些有趣的发现。

This research revealed some interesting findings.

This sentence is about unveiling certain discoveries through research, using '揭示' to indicate revealing or bringing such findings to light.

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