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jié rì qì fēn

English translation of 节日气氛


The Chinese word '节日气氛' is used to represent the festive atmosphere, feelings or activities associated with a specific festival or special occasion. It may be applied in diverse contexts such as family gatherings, national holidays, or cultural events where people engage in special celebrations.

Example sentences using: 节日气氛


Zhèlǐ de jiérì qìfēn fēicháng nóng hòu.

English translation of 这里的节日气氛非常浓厚。

The festive atmosphere here is very strong.

This sentence describes a place where the holiday mood is quite strong, possibly because of the presence of decorations, music, or festive activities.


Wǒmen xiǎng yào yíngzào gèng hǎo de jiérì qìfēn.

English translation of 我们想要营造更好的节日气氛。

We want to create a better festive atmosphere.

This sentence implies that the speaker and their group are making an effort to enhance the holiday spirit of a place or event.


Jiérì qìfēn ràng wǒ wàngjì le pí láo.

English translation of 节日气氛让我忘记了疲劳。

The festive atmosphere made me forget my fatigue.

The person in this sentence is so caught up in the holiday spirit that they forget their tiredness.


Zài zhè zhǒng jiérì qìfēn zhōng, hái zi men wán de hěn kāi xīn.

English translation of 在这种节日气氛中,孩子们玩得很开心。

Children have a lot of fun in this festive atmosphere.

This sentence shows that the holiday mood significantly increases the enjoyment of the children present.


Shāngdiàn de jiérì qìfēn fēicháng xī yǐn rén.

English translation of 商店的节日气氛非常吸引人。

The festive atmosphere of the store is very attractive.

Here, the speaker is commending the holiday ambiance of a store, indicating that it is appealing.


Tā zhèng zài wèi jiā lǐ zēngtiān jiérì qìfēn.

English translation of 她正在为家里增添节日气氛。

She is adding a festive atmosphere to the house.

This sentence tells us that a woman is making the house look more festive, possibly by putting up decorations or doing other holiday preparations.


Chéngshì zài jiérì qìfēn zhōng chén jìn.

English translation of 城市在节日气氛中沉浸。

The city is immersed in a festive atmosphere.

This phrase describes a city that is entirely enveloped in the holiday spirit, where every corner is likely decorated and everyone is in a festive mood.


Mǔqīn zài pēng rèn zhōng róngrù le jiérì qìfēn.

English translation of 母亲在烹饪中融入了节日气氛。

The mother incorporated the festive atmosphere into her cooking.

In this sentence, a mother is said to bring the holiday spirit into her culinary work, which likely results in her dishes having holiday elements or a festive presentation.


Jiérì qìfēn duì rén men de xīn qíng yǒu hěn dà de yǐngxiǎng.

English translation of 节日气氛对人们的心情有很大的影响。

The festive atmosphere has a great impact on people's moods.

This phrase points out that the holiday ambiance can significantly affect people's feelings, usually in a positive way.


Wǒ xǐ huān jiérì qìfēn, ràng wǒ gǎndào kuàilè.

English translation of 我喜欢节日气氛,让我感到快乐。

I like the festive atmosphere, it makes me happy.

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing their pleasure about the holiday mood, and how it brings them joy.

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