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jiǎo dù

English translation of 角度


The Chinese word '角度' is used to describe the angle of an object, figuratively it can also be used to describe different perspectives. It is used in mathematics as well as everyday life. The Mandarin Chinese word for angle, 角度, can be used in sentences like '从不同角度看问题' which means 'look at the problem from different angles' in English.

Example sentences using: 角度


wǒmen yīnggāi cóng bùtóng jiǎodù lái kàndài zhège wèntí.

English translation of 我们应该从不同角度来看待这个问题。

We should look at this problem from different angles.

This phrase is saying that to fully understand a problem, it's important to see it from various perspectives or angles.


tā de guāndiǎn tígōngle xīn de jiǎodù.

English translation of 他的观点提供了新的角度。

His viewpoint provides a new angle.

This phrase is used to appreciate someone's unique or novel perspective on something.


nǐ cóng zhège jiǎodù kànguòqù, fēngjǐng gèng měi.

English translation of 你从这个角度看过去,风景更美。

The view is more beautiful when you look from this angle.

This phrase is often used to suggest someone a better viewpoint or perspective.


hángpāi cóng gāo jiǎodù bǔzhuò dàole chéngshì de jǐngsè.

English translation of 航拍从高角度捕捉到了城市的景色。

The aerial photography captured the city's scenery from a high angle.

This phrase is often used in the context of photography or filming where various angles are utilized for capturing pictures.


tā yòng quánxīn de jiǎodù fēnxīle zhège wèntí.

English translation of 他用全新的角度分析了这个问题。

He analyzed the problem from a completely new angle.

In this phrase, 'new angle' is used metaphorically to refer to a new way of thinking or a fresh perspective.


zhè shì yīgè xūyào duō jiǎodù kǎolǜ de wèntí.

English translation of 这是一个需要多角度考虑的问题。

This is a problem that needs to be considered from multiple angles.

This phrase is used when a complex issue requires multifaceted consideration for a comprehensive understanding.


cóng nǐ de jiǎodù lái kàn, wǒ míngbáile nǐ de guāndiǎn.

English translation of 从你的角度来看,我明白了你的观点。

From your angle, I understand your point of view.

This phrase is used when someone agrees or acknowledges someone else's perspective or viewpoint.


zhège jiǎodù kànqǐlái, nǐ de xiàoróng zuì měi.

English translation of 这个角度看起来,你的笑容最美。

From this angle, your smile looks the most beautiful.

This romantic phrase is often used to express how a certain perspective (angle) enhances the beauty of something or someone.


wǒ xǐhuān cóng gèzhǒng jiǎodù guāncè zhège shìjiè.

English translation of 我喜欢从各种角度观察这个世界。

I like to observe the world from various angles.

This phrase manifests an open-minded person who likes to explore different perspectives of the world.


zài zhège jiǎodù, kěyǐ kàn dào shānjiǎo xià de xiǎo zhèn.

English translation of 在这个角度,可以看到山脚下的小镇。

From this angle, you can see the small town at the foot of the mountain.

This phrase is used to depict a scene where a particular viewpoint provides a specific sight or image.

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