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jiào dī

English translation of 较低


The Chinese word '较低' is used similarly to the English term 'lower'. It can be used to refer to a position, level, or value that is lesser than another, or it can describe the action of reduction or the act of bringing something down. Just like in English, it is context-dependent and can be used in various grammatical constructions.

Example sentences using: 较低


jiào dī de jià gé shǐ de chǎn pǐn gèng jìng zhēng lì

English translation of 较低的价格使得产品更竞争力

The lower price makes the product more competitive

In this phrase, '较低的价格' refers to a lower price, indicating that the reduced cost of the product gives it an edge over the competition.


tā de fēn shù jiào dī

English translation of 他的分数较低

His score is lower

This sentence describes that 'his score', denoted by '他的分数', is lower, which is illustrated by '较低'.


jiào dī de wēn dù huì gèng shū shì

English translation of 较低的温度会更舒适

A lower temperature would be more comfortable

In this statement, '较低的温度' refers to a lower temperature, suggesting that relatively cooler conditions would result in more comfort.


zhè gè chéng shì de wū rǎn shuǐ píng jiào dī

English translation of 这个城市的污染水平较低

The pollution level of this city is lower

'这个城市的污染水平较低' describes that the pollution level in the mentioned city is lower, hinting at a cleaner environment.


jiào dī de táng fēn gèng jiàn kāng

English translation of 较低的糖分更健康

Lower sugar is healthier

The phrase '较低的糖分更健康' means that having less sugar in your diet is generally healthier.


zhè xiàng jì shù de chéng běn jiào dī

English translation of 这项技术的成本较低

The cost of this technology is lower

'这项技术的成本较低' states that this particular technology is less expensive or has a lower cost.


tā zài jiào dī de hǎi bá dì qū shēng huó

English translation of 他在较低的海拔地区生活

He lives in a lower altitude area

'他在较低的海拔地区生活' means that this person lives in an area with a lower altitude than some comparison point.


jiào dī de lì lǜ shǐ de dài kuǎn gèng róng yì

English translation of 较低的利率使得贷款更容易

Lower interest rates make loans easier

This sentence communicates that having lower interest rates, or '较低的利率', would make securing a loan easier.


tā de fēng xiǎn chéng shòu néng lì jiào dī

English translation of 她的风险承受能力较低

Her risk tolerance is lower

The sentence states that 'her risk tolerance', indicated by '她的风险承受能力', is lower or '较低', suggesting she is less likely to take risks.


yōu zhì de fú wù bìng bù zǒng shì xū yào jiào dī de jià gé

English translation of 优质的服务并不总是需要较低的价格

High-quality service does not always require a lower price

'优质的服务并不总是需要较低的价格' explains that lower cost does not always equate to better service.

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