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English translation of 骄傲


In Chinese, '骄傲' is used to describe a positive emotion that involves feeling happy about yourself or something related to yourself. Like in English, it can also have a negative connotation when it pertains to an excessively high opinion of oneself or one's dignity. It can be used as a noun or as an adjective.

Example sentences using: 骄傲


Jiāo'ào shǐ rén luòhòu.

English translation of 骄傲使人落后。

Pride makes one fall behind.

This is a proverb expressing the detrimental effects of being overly proud, suggesting it can hinder progress.


Tā de jiāo'ào ràng tā shīqù le péngyǒu.

English translation of 他的骄傲让他失去了朋友。

His pride made him lose his friends.

This sentence talks about the negative impacts of pride, in this case, causing isolation from friends.


Nǐ bù yīnggāi wèi nǐ de chéngjiù gǎndào jiāo'ào ma?

English translation of 你不应该为你的成就感到骄傲吗?

Shouldn't you be proud of your accomplishments?

Here, pride is presented as a positive feeling one might have towards their achievements or accomplishments.


Tā shì yīgè chōngmǎn jiāo'ào de fùqīn.

English translation of 他是一个充满骄傲的父亲。

He is a father filled with pride.

This describes a father who is proud, possibly of his children's achievements or of his own.


Jiāo'ào de rén zǒng shì kàn bùjiàn zìjǐ de quēdiǎn.

English translation of 骄傲的人总是看不见自己的缺点。

Proud people always fail to see their own shortcomings.

This statement discusses a common criticism of proud individuals -- overlooking own flaws or weaknesses.


Tā wèi zìjǐ de jiāo'ào fùchū le dàijià.

English translation of 他为自己的骄傲付出了代价。

He paid the price for his pride.

This suggests that the individual's pride led to negative consequences, thus he 'paid a price' for it.


Tā zǒng shì jiāo'ào de tǐngzhí yāobǎn.

English translation of 她总是骄傲地挺直腰板。

She always holds herself up straight with pride.

This illustrates a person's confident or proud body posture - standing up straight.


Tā de mùbiāo shì chéngwéi yīgè lìng rén jiāo'ào de gōngmín.

English translation of 他的目标是成为一个令人骄傲的公民。

His goal is to become a citizen to be proud of.

The individual in this sentence intends to be a citizen others can take pride in or look up to.


Nàgè jiāo'ào de nǚhái cóng bù chéngrèn zìjǐ de cuòwù.

English translation of 那个骄傲的女孩从不承认自己的错误。

That proud girl never admits her mistakes.

This sentence highlights the stubbornness often attributed to proud individuals, unwilling to accept their faults.


Jiāo'ào bùnéng jiějué rènhé wèntí.

English translation of 骄傲不能解决任何问题。

Pride can't solve any problem.

This statement suggests that pride does not contribute to problem-solving, often implying it may even worsen the situation.

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