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English translation of 坚固


The Chinese word for 'firm' is '坚固'. It is often used to describe something physically strong, stable or not easily changed. For example, when referring to a firm handshake or a firm belief, in Chinese, you would use '坚固' (jiāngù).

Example sentences using: 坚固


Tāmen zhèngzài jiàn zào yī gè jiāngù de qiáoliáng.

English translation of 他们正在建造一个坚固的桥梁。

They are building a sturdy bridge.

Here, '坚固' is applied to describe the solidness of a bridge, implying it's sturdy and reliable construction.


Zhè duàn lù qūzhé dàn jiāngù.

English translation of 这段路曲折但坚固。

The road is tortuous but solid.

In this sentence, the Chinese term '坚固' is used to describe the solidness of the road, signifying its strong and unwavering nature.


Jiāngù de fángxiàn lán zhùle díjūn.

English translation of 坚固的防线拦住了敌军。

A solid defense line stopped the enemy army.

In this sentence, '坚固' signifies the robustness of the defensive line, which is unyielding and unbreakable even against the enemy forces.


Zhǐyǒu jiāngù de yìzhì cáinéng kèfú kùnnán.

English translation of 只有坚固的意志才能克服困难。

Only a strong will can overcome difficulties.

In this case, '坚固' describes the strength and unbreakability of one's willpower, signifying its key role in overcoming challenges.


Tā yòng jiāngù de shítou jiàn zào le yī zuò fángzi.

English translation of 他用坚固的石头建造了一座房子。

He built a house with solid rocks.

In this sentence, '坚固' describes the tangible solidness of the rocks used in building a house, indicating their hardness and durability.


Jiāngù de yǒuyì nénggòu jīngshǐzhù rènhé tiǎozhàn.

English translation of 坚固的友谊能够经受住任何挑战。

A solid friendship can withstand any challenge.

Here, '坚固' is used to highlight the enduring and unshakeable quality of a robust friendship, which can stand the test of any trials or challenges.


Tā wèi wǒmen tígōng le jiāngù de zhīchí.

English translation of 他为我们提供了坚固的支持。

He has provided us with solid support.

In this example, '坚固' describes the unwavering and reliable support provided, signifying its strength and dependability.


Jiāngù de jiājù néng yòng hěnjiǔ.

English translation of 坚固的家具能用很久。

A sturdy piece of furniture can last for a long time.

In this context, '坚固' is used to describe the hard-wearing nature of a piece of furniture, signifying its long-lasting usability and longevity.


Jiāngù de xìnniàn qūshǐ tā qiánjìn.

English translation of 坚固的信念驱使他前进。

A firm belief drives him forward.

In this example, '坚固' is used to describe the steadfastness of one's belief or conviction, signifying it's unbreakable and unshakeable quality.


Zhège jiāngù de hézi néng zhuāng xià hěnduō dōngxī.

English translation of 这个坚固的盒子能装下很多东西。

This sturdy box can hold a lot of things.

This sentence uses '坚固' to describe the durable and reliable characteristics of the box, indicating its ability to accommodate a lot of items.

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