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jì lǜ

English translation of 纪律


In Chinese, the word 'discipline' translates to '纪律'. Unlike English, Chinese verbs do not require modification for different tense, similar to '纪律' which is always used as it is. It is often used in schools, army, social organizations and workplaces, to indicate rules that govern behavior.

Example sentences using: 纪律


Wǒmen dōu yīnggāi zūnshǒu gōnggòng chǎnghé de jìlǜ.

English translation of 我们都应该遵守公共场合的纪律。

We all should follow the public etiquette rules.

This sentence means that everyone should respect the rules in public places. It uses the word '纪律' to refer to rules or discipline.


Zhège xuéxiào de jìlǜ fēicháng yánmíng.

English translation of 这个学校的纪律非常严明。

The discipline in this school is extremely strict.

In this sentence, '纪律' refers to the strict code of rules and regulations in a particular school.


Tā shìgè yǒu jìlǜ de rén.

English translation of 他是个有纪律的人。

He is a disciplined person.

This sentence uses the word '纪律' to describe a person's character trait of being disciplined.


Tāmen de xíngwéi yánzhòng wéifǎnle jìlǜ.

English translation of 他们的行为严重违反了纪律。

Their behavior seriously violated discipline.

This sentence points out that someone's behavior seriously breached rules or discipline, using '纪律' to imply these rules.


Wǒmen xūyào zhìdìng yīxiē jìlǜ lái wéichí zhìxù.

English translation of 我们需要制定一些纪律来维持秩序。

We need to enforce some rules to maintain order.

The sentence is about the requirement to set some rules or '纪律' to maintain order.


Jìlǜ de zhíxíng shì yīgè chénggōng de tuántǐ de guānjiàn.

English translation of 纪律的执行是一个成功的团体的关键。

Enforcing discipline is key to a successful group.

This sentence uses '纪律' to depict a characteristic that contributes to a group's success.


Měigè rén dōu xūyào zūnshǒu gōngzuò de jìlǜ.

English translation of 每个人都需要遵守工作的纪律。

Everyone needs to follow the discipline at work.

Here, '纪律' refers to the rules or principles that one must follow in their work.


Jìlǜ shì chénggōng de guānjiàn.

English translation of 纪律是成功的关键。

Discipline is the key to success.

In this statement, '纪律' is referred to as a major factor or the key to achieving success.


Liánghǎo de jìlǜ yǒuzhù yú chuàngzào yīgè jiànkāng de xuéxí huánjìng.

English translation of 良好的纪律有助于创造一个健康的学习环境。

Good discipline helps to create a healthy learning environment.

This sentence links '纪律' with a positive or healthy learning environment, implying that discipline can contribute to this.


Jìlǜ shì bǎochí shèqū zuòwéi zhìxù de guānjiàn.

English translation of 纪律是保持社区作为秩序的关键。

Discipline is key to maintaining order in the community.

Here, '纪律' is used to refer to maintaining discipline as a means to keep a community orderly.

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