huó zhe
The Chinese word '活着' is used to depict a state of being alive or living. It is often used in sentences to describe that someone or something is living, similar to the English word 'alive'. It is more common in conversational Chinese.
Tā huózhe de mùdì shì bāngzhù tārén.
His purpose in life is to help others.
This sentence indicates a person's life purpose, saying that this person is living to assist others.
Tā huózhe jiù xiàng zài tiāntáng.
He lives as if he were in heaven.
This sentence compares a person's life to paradise, implying they are very contented and fulfilled.
Huózhe zhè shì yī zhǒng shēnghuó fāngshì.
Living is a way of life.
Měi yītiān dōu yào huózhe dé yǒuyìyì.
Every day should be lived with purpose.
Huózhe de měi yīkè dōu hěn zhēnguì.
Every moment of life is precious.
Tā huózhe gǎndào shífēn kuàilè.
She feels very happy to be alive.
Wǒmen huózhe shì wèile gǎibiàn shìjiè.
We live to change the world.
Huózhe jiùshì wèile tiǎozhàn zìwǒ.
Living is to challenge oneself.
Duì wǒ láishuō, huózhe jiùshì wèile yīnyuè.
For me, living is for music.
Háizimen, huózhe jiù yào ài.
Children, you should live to love.