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English translation of 混乱


The Chinese word '混乱' refers to a state of disorder or confusion, quite similar to the English word 'mess'. It can be used to describe both tangible situations like a messy room, or more abstract situations like a messy situation or a confused mind.

Example sentences using: 混乱


Wǒ de shēnghuó wánquán hùnluàn.

English translation of 我的生活完全混乱。

My life is totally chaotic.

This sentence is expressing a situation where the speaker's life is completely unorganized and chaotic.


Zhè chǎng bǐsài hùnluàn wúxù.

English translation of 这场比赛混乱无序。

This match is chaotic and disorganized.

The speaker uses this sentence to describe a match that has no order and is very chaotic.


Hùnluàn de jiāotōng shǐ wǒ chídào le.

English translation of 混乱的交通使我迟到了。

Chaotic traffic made me late.

This sentence shows that heavy and chaotic traffic has caused the speaker to be late.


Tā de shūzhuō yī piàn hùnluàn.

English translation of 他的书桌一片混乱。

His desk is a mess.

Here, the phrase is used to describe the state of a messy, unorganized desk.


Hùnluàn de zhèngzhì júshì shǐdé guómín shēnghuó kùn kǔ.

English translation of 混乱的政治局势使得国民生活困苦。

The chaotic political situation makes the lives of the people difficult.

This sentence illustrates how a chaotic political situation is causing hardship for ordinary people.


Quán bān xiànrù yīpiàn hùnluàn.

English translation of 全班陷入一片混乱。

The whole class is in chaos.

The speaker is depicting that the entire class is in a state of chaos.


Hùnluàn de jīngjì shǐ wǒmen shīyèle.

English translation of 混乱的经济使我们失业了。

The chaotic economy made us unemployed.

This sentence indicates that a chaotic economy has resulted in the speaker and others losing their jobs.


Zhànzhēng shǐ zhège guójiā hùnluàn.

English translation of 战争使这个国家混乱。

War has thrown this country into chaos.

In this sentence, it states that war has caused chaos and disorder in a country.


Hùnluàn de qìhòu zhèngzài yǐngxiǎng wǒmen de nóng zuòwù.

English translation of 混乱的气候正在影响我们的农作物。

The chaotic weather is affecting our crops.

This sentence tells us that chaotic weather is having an impact on agriculture, in particular, the speakers’ crops.


Hùnluàn de qíngkuàng ràng wǒ bù zhī suǒ cuò.

English translation of 混乱的情况让我不知所措。

The chaotic situation leaves me at a loss.

The phrase is expressing the speaker's confusion and helplessness amidst a chaotic situation.

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