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English translation of 辉煌


In Chinese, '辉煌' (huīhuáng) is used to describe something which is magnificent or outstanding. It is often used to describe an accomplishment, a beautiful scene or object, or even a period of time, such as a 'brilliant era'. Just like in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts.

Example sentences using: 辉煌


Zhè shì huīhuáng de yītiān.

English translation of 这是辉煌的一天。

This is a glorious day.

This sentence is used to describe a day that is particularly excellent or successful.


Tā de huīhuáng chéngjiù ràng rén jìngyǎng.

English translation of 他的辉煌成就让人敬仰。

His brilliant achievements are admired by people.

This sentence emphasizes someone's achievements which are so outstanding that people admire them.


Wǒmen zhōng jiāng yíng lái huīhuáng de wèilái.

English translation of 我们终将迎来辉煌的未来。

We will eventually usher in a glorious future.

This sentence expresses a positive view on the future, indicating that we will have a bright and successful future.


Tā shēnghuó zài huīhuáng de niándài.

English translation of 他生活在辉煌的年代。

He lived in a glorious era.

This sentence indicates that the period when someone lived was glorious, usually marked by prosperity or grandeur.


Huīhuáng de shènglì děngdài zhe wǒmen.

English translation of 辉煌的胜利等待着我们。

A glorious victory is awaiting us.

This sentence implies a positive outcome is expected, and a prestigious victory is anticipated.


Tā de huìhuà chōngmǎnle huīhuáng de sècǎi.

English translation of 他的绘画充满了辉煌的色彩。

His painting is full of glorious colors.

This sentence describes someone's painting that is rich and brilliant in colors.


Huīhuáng de chéngshì jǔxíng le shèngdà de qìngdiǎn.

English translation of 辉煌的城市举行了盛大的庆典。

The glorious city held a grand ceremony.

This sentence describes a prosperous city that held a grand celebration.


Lìshǐ shàng de nà duàn huīhuáng shíqī wǒmen wúfǎ wàngjì.

English translation of 历史上的那段辉煌时期我们无法忘记。

We cannot forget that glorious period in history.

The sentence reflects a memorable, golden period of past history.


Wǒ mèngjiàn yīgè huīhuáng de shìjiè.

English translation of 我梦见一个辉煌的世界。

I dream of a glorious world.

This phrase shows someone's aspiration for a wonderful world.


Huīhuáng de wénmíng dàibiǎole rénlèi de jìnbù.

English translation of 辉煌的文明代表了人类的进步。

The splendid civilization represents human progress.

This sentence associates a glorious civilization with human advancement.

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