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English translation of 话题


In Chinese, '话题' refers to the subject of a discussion or conversation. It's used in similar contexts to the English word 'topic'. For instance, in a meeting, a lecture, or casual conversation, the '话题' might be the main point or theme being discussed.

Example sentences using: 话题


zhè gè huà tí wǒ men tǎo lùn guò le

English translation of 这个话题我们讨论过了

We have discussed this topic

This sentence is used when someone wants to express that a specific topic has already been covered or discussed.


zhè shì wǒ xǐ huān de huà tí

English translation of 这是我喜欢的话题

This is a topic I like

This phrase is used when someone wants to indicate that they particularly enjoy a specific topic of discussion or study.


zhè gè huà tí wǒ bù shú xī

English translation of 这个话题我不熟悉

I am not familiar with this topic

This sentence is common in situations when someone wants to admit their lack of knowledge or understanding about a specific topic.


wǒ men xū yào gèng shēn rù de tǎo lùn zhè gè huà tí

English translation of 我们需要更深入地讨论这个话题

We need to discuss this topic more deeply

This phrase is often used when someone thinks that a subject or topic needs more in-depth exploration or discussion.


nǐ duì zhè gè huà tí yǒu shé me kàn fǎ?

English translation of 你对这个话题有什么看法?

What is your opinion on this topic?

This sentence is often used to ask someone for their viewpoint or opinion on a specific topic.


huà tí gēng huàn hěn cháng jiàn

English translation of 话题更换很常见

Topic changes are common

This sentence expresses the fact that it is common for the subject or focal point of a discussion or dialogue to change.


huà tí tài nán le

English translation of 话题太难了

The topic is too difficult

This phrase is typically used when an individual feels that a topic is overly complex or difficult to understand.


wǒ yào yǐn rù yī gè xīn huà tí

English translation of 我要引入一个新话题

I want to introduce a new topic

This sentence is commonly used when someone wants to steer the conversation or discussion towards a new subject or topic.


tā zǒng shì xǐ huān kuò dà huà tí

English translation of 她总是喜欢扩大话题

She always likes to expand the topic

This sentence is often used when one individual tends to broaden the subject of a conversation, extending the range of discussion.


zhè gè huà tí yùn niàng yǐ jiǔ

English translation of 这个话题酝酿已久

This topic has been brewing for a long time

This sentence is used to express that a topic has been the subject of thought, conversation, or speculation for a long time.

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