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English translation of 滑


The word '滑' translates to 'slide' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts such as 'slide down a hill' or 'the screen slides open'. It indicates the smooth movement of an object, often due to gravity or some sort of momentum, and can also refer to a surface that allows this sliding movement to take place.

Example sentences using:


zhè gè xiāng jiāo huá liū liū de

English translation of 这个香蕉滑溜溜的。

This banana is slippery.

This sentence is describing the physical texture of the banana, which is slippery.


wǒ zài bīng shàng huá dǎo le

English translation of 我在冰上滑倒了。

I slipped on the ice.

This sentence is presenting a scenario where someone is falling due to the slippery surface of the ice.


tā zài xuě dì lǐ huá xiáng

English translation of 她在雪地里滑翔。

She is gliding on the snow.

The phrase is illustrating a situation where a person is moving smoothly over snow, typically on skis or a snowboard.


tā zài huá xuě

English translation of 他在滑雪。

He is skiing.

This sentence is describing a sport where a person moves over snow on skis.


huá bǎn yùn dòng hěn yǒu qù

English translation of 滑板运动很有趣。

Skateboarding is interesting.

The sentence conveys that the sport of skateboarding, where a person moves on a flat surface on a skateboard, is interesting to experience or watch.


nà gè huá dòng mén dǎ bù kāi

English translation of 那个滑动门打不开。

The sliding door can’t be opened.

In this scenario, someone is unable to open a door that moves horizontally on tracks.


tā huá dào yī biān qù le

English translation of 他滑到一边去了。

He slid to the side.

This sentence includes a situation where someone moves smoothly and continuously to one side, typically as a result of losing their balance.


tā huá guò lái gěi wǒ yī gè jīng xǐ

English translation of 他滑过来给我一个惊喜。

He slipped over to surprise me.

In this context, someone moves quietly and in a smooth manner to surprise another person.


wǒ yào xué huá shuǐ

English translation of 我要学滑水。

I want to learn to waterski.

This sentence expresses a person’s desire to learn how to move on water by being pulled behind a boat while attached to a kind of ski.


huá xuě bǎn shì dōng jì yùn dòng de yī zhǒng

English translation of 滑雪板是冬季运动的一种。

Snowboarding is a type of winter sport.

This statement describes snowboarding as a specific sport that is traditionally performed in winter, which involves descending a slope covered with snow on a snowboard.

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