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hóu lóng

English translation of 喉咙


The word '喉咙' is used in Chinese to refer to the part of the body that is the passage for food to the esophagus and air to the lungs. Just like in English, it can be used figuratively as well. For example, in phrases about having a sore throat or raising one's voice.

Example sentences using: 喉咙


wǒ de hóu lóng hěn tòng.

English translation of 我的喉咙很痛。

My throat hurts a lot.

This sentence is expressing a physical discomfort, similar to saying 'I have a sore throat' in English.


tā de hóu lóng gǎn jué yǒu diǎn er yì yàng.

English translation of 他的喉咙感觉有点儿异样。

His throat feels a little off.

This sentence is used when someone feels something is not right with his throat, possibly indicating the start of an illness.


chōu yān duì hóu lóng bù hǎo.

English translation of 抽烟对喉咙不好。

Smoking is bad for the throat.

This sentence highlights a health concern similar to how English speakers warn 'Smoking damages your throat'.


tā de hóu lóng fā yán le.

English translation of 她的喉咙发炎了。

Her throat is inflamed.

This sentence is used to describe a situation when someone's throat is inflamed, indicating an infection or illness.


wǒ hóu lóng yǎng de hěn.

English translation of 我喉咙痒得很。

My throat is really itchy.

This sentence is used when someone feels an itch in their throat, which might be a symptom of an allergy or coming down with a cold.


hóu lóng gān, wǒ xū yào hē shuǐ.

English translation of 喉咙干,我需要喝水。

My throat is dry, I need to drink water.

This sentence is used when someone's throat feels dry and they express the need to hydrate, similar to saying 'I'm thirsty' in English.


tā hóu lóng shòu shāng le.

English translation of 她喉咙受伤了。

She has injured her throat.

This sentence is used to express that someone has experienced a throat injury. It's similar to saying 'She has a throat injury' in English.


tā hóu lóng yǎ le.

English translation of 他喉咙哑了。

He has lost his voice.

In this sentence, it means someone has lost their voice, likely due to strain, illness or injury to their throat. In English, people say 'He lost his voice'.


shēng yīn cóng hóu lóng lǐ fā chū.

English translation of 声音从喉咙里发出。

The voice comes out from the throat.

This sentence explains that the origin of human voice is the throat, similar to the English phrase 'Our sound is produced in the throat'.


hóu lóng tòng tòng shì gǎn mào de zhèng zhuàng.

English translation of 喉咙疼痛是感冒的症状。

A sore throat is a symptom of a cold.

This sentence is used to convey that having a sore throat is usually part of the symptoms when catching a cold, similar to 'A sore throat often indicates a cold' in English.

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