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English translation of 后悔


The Chinese word '后悔' refers to feeling sorry or sadness for something one has done or failed to do, just like 'regret' in English. It is used in similar contexts, whether in sentences such as 'I regret not going to the party' (我后悔没有去那个派对) or 'She regrets her decision' (她后悔她的决定).

Example sentences using: 后悔


Wǒ hòuhuǐ shuō nàxiē huà.

English translation of 我后悔说那些话。

I regret saying those words.

The speaker is expressing regret for something they have said in the past.


Wǒ hòuhuǐ méiyǒu hǎohāo xuéxí.

English translation of 我后悔没有好好学习。

I regret not studying hard.

This sentence implies that the speaker is regretful for not putting enough effort into their studies.


Tā hòulái hòuhuǐ líkāi tā.

English translation of 她后来后悔离开他。

She later regretted leaving him.

In this sentence, '她' (she) regretted a past decision, highlighting her sense of remorse.


Hòuhuǐ shì méiyǒuyòng de.

English translation of 后悔是没有用的。

Regret is useless.

The speaker thinks that feeling regretful doesn't provide any useful outcome.


Hòuhuǐ yào, chī bu dé.

English translation of 后悔药,吃不得。

You cannot take a regret pill.

This sentence is a symbolic way to express that we cannot undo our past mistakes.


Nǐ huì hòuhuǐ de.

English translation of 你会后悔的.

You'll regret it.

The speaker is predicting that the listener will feel remorse about a future action.


Wǒ bù hòuhuǐ wǒ de xuǎnzé.

English translation of 我不后悔我的选择。

I don't regret my choice.

The speaker is expressing satisfaction with their past decision.


Hòuhuǐ méiyǒu zǎo diǎn rènshì nǐ.

English translation of 后悔没有早点认识你。

I regret not knowing you earlier.

The speaker suggests they wish they had met the person they are speaking to at an earlier time.


Tā hòuhuǐ shīqù le jīhuì.

English translation of 他后悔失去了机会。

He regrets losing the opportunity.

The sentence mentions a person's regret over a missed opportunity.


Nǐ yǒu shé me hòuhuǐ guò de shì ma?

English translation of 你有什么后悔过的事吗?

Do you have anything you have regretted?

The speaker is asking the listener if they have any past actions they wish they hadn't done.

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