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English translation of 厚


The Chinese word '厚' is used to describe something that is broad in extent or thickness. It is often used in the context of physical properties, such as the thickness of a book or a piece of clothing. It can also be used metaphorically to describe abundant emotions or the depth of a person's kindness.

Example sentences using:


Tā de xìnniàn fēicháng hòu

English translation of 他的信念非常厚

His faith is very deep

This sentence indicates that the person has deeply held beliefs.


Zhè cì de xuě hòu dá yī chǐ

English translation of 这次的雪厚达一尺

The snow this time is a foot deep

The sentence describes the depth of the snowfall.


Tā de pífū hěn hòu

English translation of 他的皮肤很厚

His skin is very thick

In this context, it means that the text talks about the person's physical trait. In other context, it could mean that the person is very resistant to criticism.


Tā bǎ máotǎn hòuhòu de pū zài chuáng shàng

English translation of 她把毛毯厚厚地铺在床上

She spread the blanket thickly on the bed

This sentence describes the woman's action of spreading the blanket in a thick layer on the bed.


Zhè zhǒng bùliào fēicháng hòu shí

English translation of 这种布料非常厚实

This fabric is very thick

The phrase talks about the physical quality of the fabric.


Tā de liǎnjiá hěn hòu

English translation of 他的脸颊很厚

His cheeks are very thick

This sentence describes a person's distinct physical characteristic - thick cheeks.


Shùpí hěn hòu

English translation of 树皮很厚

The bark is very thick

The sentence talks about the thick bark of a tree.


Zhè piān wénzhāng de nèiróng hěn hòu shí

English translation of 这篇文章的内容很厚实

The content of this article is very substantial

This phrase is using '厚' metaphorically to describe the substantial or nuanced content of the article.


Zhè zuò fángzi de qiángbì hěn hòu

English translation of 这座房子的墙壁很厚

The walls of this house are very thick

This phrase describes the physical thickness of the house's walls.


Wǒ xǐhuan hòuhòu de kǒugǎn

English translation of 我喜欢厚厚的口感

I like the thick mouthfeel

This sentence expresses the speaker's preference for food or drink with a thick, substantial texture.

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