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héng guò

English translation of 横过


The Chinese word '横过' is often used to communicate the concept of moving or looking from one side to another, particularly in a sideways or diagonal way. It can refer to physically crossing over a space such as a room or street, as well as more metaphorical uses, representing moving across a range or spread of something.

Example sentences using: 横过


Wǒmen bìxū yào héngguò zhège suìdào.

English translation of 我们必须要横过这个隧道。

We must cross this tunnel.



Tā héngguò mǎlù qù mǎi dōngxi.

English translation of 他横过马路去买东西。

He crossed the road to buy things.

In this example, '横过' is used to indicate the action of crossing (over something). In this case, the subject of the sentence is crossing the road in order to buy something.


Fēngzhēng zài tiānkōng zhōng héngguò.

English translation of 风筝在天空中横过。

The kite crossed over in the sky.

The verb '横过' is used here to convey the idea of the kite moving or flying across the sky.


Nà sōu chuán cóng gǎngkǒu héngguò.

English translation of 那艘船从港口横过。

That ship crossed from the port.

In this example, '横过' is used to indicate that the ship moved across the port.


Māo zài héngguò jiēdào.

English translation of 猫在横过街道。

The cat is crossing the street.

In this sentence, '横过' is used to indicate the cat’s movement across the street.


Wǒmen zǒu zhe héngguò zhè zuò qiáo.

English translation of 我们走着横过这座桥。

We are walking across this bridge.

In this case, '横过' shows that the subjects of the sentence are crossing a bridge by foot.


Héngguò zhège shāmò xūyào hěn cháng shíjiān.

English translation of 横过这个沙漠需要很长时间。

Crossing this desert takes a long time.

Here, '横过' is used to depict the length of time it takes to traverse a desert.


Tāmen zài héngguò húmiàn.

English translation of 他们在横过湖面。

They are crossing the lake surface.

This sentence uses '横过' to describe the action of moving across the top of a body of water.


Nǐ néng héngguò zhè tiáo hé ma?

English translation of 你能横过这条河吗?

Can you cross this river?

In this example, '横过' is used to ask if one is able to cross a river.


Tā zhèngzài héngguò réncháo.

English translation of 他正在横过人潮。

He is crossing through the crowd.

In this example, '横过' refers to the action of maneuvering through a crowd of people.

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