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English translation of 合法


In Chinese, '合法' is used to refer to something that is lawful or in accordance with the law. It is commonly used in various contexts including everyday conversations, legal discussions, and in literature.

Example sentences using: 合法

tā de xíngwéi shì wánquán héfǎ de

English translation of 他的行为是完全合法的。

His behavior is completely legal.

This sentence expresses the legality of someone's actions.

zhè shì yī fèn héfǎ de hétong

English translation of 这是一份合法的合同。

This is a legal contract.

The sentence refers to the legality of a contract.

wǒmen bìxū zūnshǒu suǒyǒu héfǎ de fǎguī

English translation of 我们必须遵守所有合法的法规。

We must comply with all legal regulations.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of obedience to the law.

nǐ bìxū yǒu héfǎ de xǔkězhèng

English translation of 你必须有合法的许可证。

You must have a legal permit.

This sentence implies the essentiality of having a valid permit.

tāmen zhèngzài xúnzhǎo héfǎ de shōurùyuán

English translation of 他们正在寻找合法的收入源。

They are looking for legal sources of income.

This sentence describes someone's pursuit of lawful earnings.

wǒmen dōu yǒu héfǎ de tóupiào quán

English translation of 我们都有合法的投票权。

We all have the legal right to vote.

The sentence discusses the legitimacy of voting rights.

zhǐyǒu héfǎ de yuángōng cáinéng shǐyòng shèshī

English translation of 只有合法的员工才能使用设施。

Only legal employees can use the facilities.

This sentence restricts facilities usage to legitimate employees.

tāmen rènwèi zhè shì héfǎ de xíngwéi

English translation of 他们认为这是合法的行为。

They believe it's a legal action.

The sentence refers to someone's belief in the legality of actions.

tā zhèngzài shēnqǐng héfǎ de hùzhào

English translation of 她正在申请合法的护照。

She is applying for a legal passport.

This sentence talks about the process of obtaining a valid passport.

wǒ xūyào zhèngmíng wǒ shì héfǎ de jūmín

English translation of 我需要证明我是合法的居民。

I need to prove I'm a legal resident.

This sentence states someone's intention to prove their residency legality.

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