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hào qí

English translation of 好奇


The Chinese word '好奇' is used similarly to the English term 'curious'. It indicates a strong desire to know or learn something. Just like in English, the term can be used in a variety of contexts.

Example sentences using: 好奇


Wǒ duì nǐ de jìhuà gǎndào hàoqí

English translation of 我对你的计划感到好奇

I'm curious about your plan

This statement expresses the speaker's interest in learning more about someone else's plan.


Nǐ wèishéme duì wǒ de guòqù nàme hàoqí?

English translation of 你为什么对我的过去那么好奇?

Why are you so curious about my past?

This question indicates the asker's surprise or discomfort with someone else's interest in their past.


Hàoqí xīn qūshǐ wǒ xúnqiú zhīshì

English translation of 好奇心驱使我寻求知识

Curiosity drives me to seek knowledge

This statement expresses the speaker's motivation for seeking knowledge as driven by curiosity.


Māo duì xiǎo niǎo hàoqí guòtóu, diē jìnle hú lǐ

English translation of 猫对小鸟好奇过头,跌进了湖里

The cat got too curious about the bird and fell into the lake

This sentence uses a specific event to express the idea of 'curiosity killed the cat'.


Yǒnggǎn diǎn, mǎn zú nǐ de hàoqí xīn

English translation of 勇敢点,满足你的好奇心

Be brave and satisfy your curiosity

This phrase encourages someone to pursue their curiosity.


Wǒ hàoqí wèishéme tā zǒng shì chídào

English translation of 我好奇为什么他总是迟到

I wonder why he is always late

This sentence conveys the speaker's pondering or curious feelings about someone's constant tardiness.


Tā zǒng shì duì xīn shìwù bǎochí hàoqí

English translation of 她总是对新事物保持好奇

She always stays curious about new things

This sentence describes a person who always has a keen interest in new things.


Tā jìxù mǎnzú tā duì yìshù de hàoqí xīn

English translation of 她继续满足她对艺术的好奇心

She continues to satisfy her curiosity for art

This sentence describes a person who continues to explore his or her interest in art.


Tā duì zhè běn shū fēicháng hàoqí

English translation of 他对这本书非常好奇

He is very curious about this book

This sentence describes someone's strong interest in a book.


Tā hàoqí de guāncházhè zhège xīn huánjìng

English translation of 她好奇地观察着这个新环境

She is observing this new environment with curiosity

This sentence describes a person observing a new environment with a sense of interest.

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