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English translation of 海


The Chinese word for sea, '海' (hǎi), is used much like its English counterpart. It's used to describe large bodies of salt water. It's also commonly used in compound words for specific seas or oceans, like '南海' for South Sea or '太平洋' for Pacific Ocean.

Example sentences using:


wǒ zài hǎibiān jiǎn dào le yì zhī luó

English translation of 我在海边捡到了一只螺

I found a snail at the seaside

This sentence means that the speaker found a snail at the seaside. The character '海' here refers to the sea.


hǎitún shì wǒ zuì xǐhuān de dòngwù

English translation of 海豚是我最喜欢的动物

Dolphin is my favorite animal

This sentence means that the speaker's favorite animal is a dolphin. The character '海' in '海豚' refers to the sea, indicating that dolphins are sea creatures.


hǎi làng pāi dǎzhe ànbiān de shítou

English translation of 海浪拍打着岸边的石头

The sea waves are hitting the rocks on the shore

In this sentence, the character '海' in '海浪' refers to the sea, indicating that these waves come from the sea.


hǎixiān shìchǎng yǒu hěnduō xīnxiān de yú

English translation of 海鲜市场有很多新鲜的鱼

The seafood market has a lot of fresh fish

In this example, the character '海' in '海鲜' refers to the ocean, where many kinds of seafood, including fish, are caught.


hǎi fēng qīngqīng chuīguò wǒ de liǎn

English translation of 海风轻轻吹过我的脸

The sea breeze gently blows across my face

The '海风' in the sentence refers to the breeze from the sea, and the character '海' represents the sea.


hǎibá sānqiān mǐ de shānmài jùnqiào zhuànglì

English translation of 海拔三千米的山脉峻峭壮丽

The mountain range at an altitude of 3,000 meters is steep and spectacular

In this sentence, '海拔' means altitude and the character '海' is used to indicate a reference level, in this case referring to the level of the sea.


hǎizǎo kěyǐ yòng lái zuò tāng

English translation of 海藻可以用来做汤

Seaweed can be used to make soup

This sentence means that seaweed can be used to prepare soup. The '海' in '海藻' refers to the sea where the seaweed grows.


hǎikuòtiānkōng jiùshì wǒ mèngxiǎng de shēnghuó

English translation of 海阔天空就是我梦想的生活

A life as vast as the sea and sky is my dream

In this example, '海阔天空' is an idiom which means vast as the sea and sky, and '海' here represents the sea.


hǎi zhé shì hǎiyáng zhōng de yì zhǒng shēngwù

English translation of 海蜇是海洋中的一种生物

Jellyfish is a kind of creature in the ocean

This sentence means that jellyfish is a creature in the ocean. The character '海' in '海蜇' refers to the sea.


hǎi dào shì hǎishàng de qiáng dào

English translation of 海盗是海上的强盗

Pirates are sea robbers

This sentence explains the concept of pirates as robbers operating at sea. The '海' in '海盗' refers to the sea where pirates operate.

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