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guò dù

English translation of 过渡


The Chinese word '过渡' is used to express the concept of transition, indicating a process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. It can be used in various contexts such as social changes, personal development, and time passage etc. Furthermore, it can act as a verb or a noun in sentences.

Example sentences using: 过渡


xià yī bù, wǒ men jìn rù fù xí guò dù jiē duàn

English translation of 下一步,我们进入复习过渡阶段。

Next, we enter the review transition phase.

The phrase is referring to a transitional phase in a process or project where a review of work done or knowledge acquired is done.


zhè shì guò dù zhèng fǔ de zé rèn

English translation of 这是过渡政府的责任。

This is the responsibility of the interim government.

This is assigning responsibility to an interim or transitional government. This kind of government is typically put in place between full, established governments.


tā men zhèng zài guò dù qī

English translation of 他们正在过渡期。

They are in a transition period.

The phrase is describing a situation where someone or something (a group, an organization) is undergoing a transition or change between stages or states.


guò dù qī dào lái zhī qián, wǒ men bì xū zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi

English translation of 过渡期到来之前,我们必须做好准备。

Before the transition period arrives, we must be ready.

This phrase is suggesting preparation for a coming transition or change. This could refer to several different kinds of changes, such as seasons, life stages, etc.


wǒ men zài guò dù dào yī gè xīn de jiē duàn

English translation of 我们在过渡到一个新的阶段。

We are transitioning to a new stage.

The phrase is describing a situation where a transition into a new phase or stage is happening.


wǒ rèn wéi zhè shì yī gè guò dù xiàn xiàng

English translation of 我认为这是一个过渡现象。

I think this is a transitional phenomenon.

The phrase is referring to a phenomenon or event that is temporary or transitional in nature.


zhè shì yī gè guò dù jiē duàn

English translation of 这是一个过渡阶段。

This is a transitional stage.

The phrase is referring to a specific stage or phase that is considered to be transitional or interim.


nǐ zhè shì zhèng zài jīng lì yī gè guò dù qī

English translation of 你这是正在经历一个过渡期。

You are going through a transition period.

The phrase is describing a situation where someone is currently experiencing or undergoing a transitional period or phase.


guò dù qī zǒng shì huì dài lái hún luàn

English translation of 过渡期总是会带来混乱。

Transitions always bring chaos.

This phrase is stating that transitional periods often involve upheaval or chaos, as they involve change and adaptation.


hǎo xiàng gāng gāng guò dù wán de chūn tiān dào le xià tiān yī yàng duǎn zàn

English translation of 好像刚刚过渡完的春天到了夏天一样短暂。

It seems like it was a short transition from spring to summer.

The phrase is describing a situation where the transition between spring to summer happened quickly, giving a feeling of temporality.

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