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guī lǜ

English translation of 规律


The Chinese word '规律' is used to describe something that follows a fixed pattern or a repetitive sequence. It is often used to describe things like habits, routines or systems that have a consistent and regular manner of operation or behavior.

Example sentences using: 规律


shēnghuó yǒu tā de guīlǜ.

English translation of 生活有它的规律。

Life has its rules.

This phrase is saying that life operates under certain patterns or regularities.


tā yángé ànzhào guīlǜ xíngshì.

English translation of 他严格按照规律行事。

He strictly follows the rules.

This phrase indicates someone acting strictly according to certain rules or laws.


xuéxí de guīlǜ yīnggāi bèi zūnzhòng.

English translation of 学习的规律应该被尊重。

The law of learning ought to be respected.

In this phrase, it is being suggested that the regularities or patterns in learning should be respected.


guīlǜ shì bìxū yào zūnshǒu de.

English translation of 规律是必须要遵守的。

The rules must be observed.

This phrase underscores the necessity of observing or following certain rules or laws.


fāxiàn guīlǜ shì kēxué de yī bùfèn.

English translation of 发现规律是科学的一部分。

Discovering laws is a part of science.

The phrase suggests that identifying patterns or regularities is an important aspect of scientific inquiry.


zhè shì zìránjiè de yī zhǒng guīlǜ.

English translation of 这是自然界的一种规律。

This is a law of nature.

This phrase refers to a certain rule or regularity in the natural world.


suǒyǒu de shìwù dōu yǒu qí guīlǜ.

English translation of 所有的事物都有其规律。

Everything has its law.

This phrase expresses the idea that all things operate according to certain patterns or regularities.


guīlǜ cúnzài yú wǒmen shēnghuó de měi yīgè fāngmiàn.

English translation of 规律存在于我们生活的每一个方面。

Laws exist in every aspect of our lives.

This phrase suggests that regular patterns or rules can be seen in all spheres of life.


tā xiāngxìn yǔzhòu yǒu qí guīlǜ.

English translation of 他相信宇宙有其规律。

He believes that the universe has its laws.

The phrase indicates the belief that the universe operates according to certain patterns or regularities.


guīlǜ de guānchá xūyào xìxīn.

English translation of 规律的观察需要细心。

Observation of laws requires carefulness.

This phrase considers that observing rules or regularities require a careful and attentive approach.

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