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guǐ dào

English translation of 轨道


The Chinese term '轨道' is used for representing the English word 'track'. It is commonly applied in train tracks, music tracks, or even tracking a path or course. Beside physical tracks, this term can also metaphorically describe the path someone takes in life or career.

Example sentences using: 轨道


Huǒchē yánzhe guǐdào xíngshǐ

English translation of 火车沿着轨道行驶

The train travels along the track

This sentence shows a very literal and common use of '轨道', in the sense of railway or track.


Guǐdào jiāotōng shì chéngshì yùnshū de zhòngyào bùfen

English translation of 轨道交通是城市运输的重要部分

Rail transit is an important part of urban transportation

This sentence uses '轨道' in a broader sense, referring to all forms of rail traffic such as trams, underground trains, etc.


Tāmen zhèngzài yánjiū guǐdào jiànshè de xīn jìshù

English translation of 他们正在研究轨道建设的新技术

They are studying new technologies in track construction

In this context, '轨道' refers to the tracks themselves that are the subject of construction and research.


Guǐdào shàng de huǒchē kuàisù xíngshǐ

English translation of 轨道上的火车快速行驶

The train on the track is traveling fast

This uses '轨道' in its usual sense of train tracks, with the focus being on the fast-moving train.


Guǐdào chēliàng xūyào dìngqí wéihù

English translation of 轨道车辆需要定期维护

Rail vehicles need to be maintained regularly

The '轨道' in this sentence refers to any vehicle that runs on tracks, and highlights the need for regular maintenance.


Xīngjì fēichuán xūyào jīngquè de guǐdào jìsuàn

English translation of 星际飞船需要精确的轨道计算

Interstellar ships need accurate orbital calculations

In this sentence, '轨道' refers not to a railway track, but to the orbital trajectory of a spacecraft, suggesting the importance of precision calculations.


Diànzǐ zài yuánzǐ nèibù ànzhào tèdìng de guǐdào yùndòng

English translation of 电子在原子内部按照特定的轨道运动

Electrons move along specific orbits within atoms

In this context, '轨道' refers to the paths along which electrons move within atoms, showing the use of this term in physics and chemistry.


Huǒjiàn cuòguòle jìnrù yùdìng guǐdào de shíjī

English translation of 火箭错过了进入预定轨道的时机

The rocket missed the opportunity to enter the scheduled orbit

Here '轨道' means the predetermined trajectory the rocket should follow, demonstrating the use of the term in the context of space flight.


Zhè zuò chéngshì de guǐdào jiāotōng fēicháng fādá

English translation of 这座城市的轨道交通非常发达

The rail transit of this city is very developed

'轨道交通' in this context refers broadly to all types of rail transportation in the city, indicating that it is well-developed.


Zhège xiàngmù zhǔyào yánjiū guǐdào qiáoliáng shèjì

English translation of 这个项目主要研究轨道桥梁设计

The project mainly studies the design of rail bridges

In this sentence, '轨道' refers to the tracks on which trains run, indicating that this project focuses on bridge design for such tracks.

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