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English translation of 骨头


The word '骨头 (gǔtou)' is used in Chinese to refer to any bone in the body or the hard, rigid form of connective tissue that constitutes part of the skeleton of most vertebrates. Like in English, it can be used in various contexts and idioms.

Example sentences using: 骨头


Nà zhǐ gǒu zài kěn gǔtou.

English translation of 那只狗在啃骨头。

The dog is gnawing on a bone.

This sentence is using the word '骨头' to specifically refer to a bone that a dog is gnawing on.


Gǔtou tāng fēicháng měiwèi.

English translation of 骨头汤非常美味。

Bone soup is very delicious.

In this sentence, '骨头' is used in conjunction with 'soup', indicating a type of soup made with bones.


Nàgè gǔtou zhéle, xūyào dài shígāo.

English translation of 那个骨头折了,需要戴石膏。

That bone is broken, it needs to be plastered.



Gǔtou hěn yìng, bù róngyì yǎo duàn.

English translation of 骨头很硬,不容易咬断。

Bones are hard, not easy to bite off.

In this sentence, '骨头' is used to talk about the hardness of bones.


Zhège gǔtou cìshāngle wǒ de hóulóng.

English translation of 这个骨头刺伤了我的喉咙。

This bone prick hurt my throat.

Here '骨头' refers to a piece of bone which caused an injury to the speaker's throat.


Wājué chū de zhèxiē gǔtou zhèngmíngle kǒnglóng de cúnzài.

English translation of 挖掘出的这些骨头证明了恐龙的存在。

These bones excavated proved the existence of dinosaurs.

In this case, '骨头' is used to talk about the discovery of dinosaur bones.


Kǎo gǔtou shì tā de zuì'ài.

English translation of 烤骨头是他的最爱。

Roasted bone is his favorite.

This sentence uses '骨头' in the context of a favorite dish.


Gǒu xǐhuān mái gǔtou.

English translation of 狗喜欢埋骨头。

Dogs like to bury bones.

In this example, '骨头' is related to a common behavior of dogs.


Nǎlǐ kěyǐ mǎi dào hǎo de zhū gǔtou lái áo tāng?

English translation of 哪里可以买到好的猪骨头来熬汤?

Where can I buy good pork bones for soup?

In this sentence, '骨头' is used in the context of buying ingredients for making soup.

Yīshēng tuījiàn wǒ bǔchōng gàizhì, yǐ zēngqiáng gǔtou de yìngdù.

English translation of 医生推荐我补充钙质,以增强骨头的硬度。

The doctor recommended that I supplement calcium to enhance the hardness of bones.

Here, the context of '骨头' is within a health advice scenario relating to enhancing bone hardness.

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