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English translation of 功能


In Chinese, the word 'function' translates to '功能'. This term is used similarly to English, describing the role or purpose that something is designed to fulfill. For example, it can be used while talking about the functions of a certain device or the functions within a program or algorithm.

Example sentences using: 功能


Shǒujī de gōngnéng fēicháng qiángdà.

English translation of 手机的功能非常强大。

The function of the mobile phone is very powerful.

This sentence conveys that the features or apps installed in the mobile phone are very powerful or advanced.


Zhè gè ruǎnjiàn de gōngnéng wǒ bù míngbái.

English translation of 这个软件的功能我不明白。

I don't understand the function of this software.

This sentence implies that the speaker is unsure or doesn't understand the purpose or features of a particular software.


Yuèdú shì dà nǎo de yī xiàng jīběn gōngnéng.

English translation of 阅读是大脑的一项基本功能。

Reading is a basic function of the brain.

This sentence implies that the basic ability of the brain is to read or process written information.


Zhègè xīn de gōngnéng xūyào nín gēngxīn ruǎnjiàn.

English translation of 这个新的功能需要您更新软件。

This new function requires you to update the software.

This sentence indicates that in order to use a new feature, the software must be updated.


Wǒ ànzhào nín de yāoqiú zēngjiā le ruǎnjiàn de gōngnéng.

English translation of 我按照您的要求增加了软件的功能。

I have added features to the software as per your request.

This sentence implies that the speaker has included additional features into the software according to the request of the receiver.


Jīqìrén yǒu hěnduō gōngnéng.

English translation of 机器人有很多功能。

The robot has many functions.

This sentence implies that the robot can perform many tasks or has numerous features.


Zhè gè gōngnéng xūyào gèng cháng de shíjiān lái wánchéng.

English translation of 这个功能需要更长的时间来完成。

This function requires a longer time to complete.

This sentence implies that completing or executing this particular feature will take a longer period of time.


Wǒmen zhèngzài kāifā xīn de gōngnéng.

English translation of 我们正在开发新的功能。

We are developing new functions.

This sentence suggests that the speaker and their team are in the process of creating new features likely for a software or hardware.


Zhè gè xīn de gōngnéng shì rúhé shǐyòng de?

English translation of 这个新的功能是如何使用的?

How is this new function used?

This sentence is a question asking about how to use or implement a particular new feature.


Nǐ zhīdào zhè gè jīqì de gōngnéng ma?

English translation of 你知道这个机器的功能吗?

Do you know the function of this machine?

This sentence is question asking if the receiver knows the purpose or features of a specific machine.

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