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gāosù gōnglù

English translation of 高速公路


The Chinese word for highway is '高速公路' (gāosù gōnglù). It is often used in the context of transportation and travelling, indicating a major road, especially one connecting major towns or cities.

Example sentences using: 高速公路


Wǒ tōngcháng huì bìmiǎn zài gāosù gōnglù shàng jiàshǐ.

English translation of 我通常会避免在高速公路上驾驶。

I usually avoid driving on the highway.

The speaker is conveying that they prefer not to drive on highways, which can often be fast-paced or crowded. The word '高速公路' refers to 'highway'.


Zhège gāosù gōnglù zhí tōng Běijīng.

English translation of 这个高速公路直通北京。

This highway goes directly to Beijing.

The sentence is expressing that this specific highway leads straight to Beijing, with no other stops or detours. The word '高速公路' is used here to mean 'highway'


Gāosù gōnglù shàng de chē sù xiànzhì shì duōshǎo?

English translation of 高速公路上的车速限制是多少?

What is the speed limit on the highway?



Zài gāosù gōnglù shàng kāichē yīdìng yào xiǎoxīn.

English translation of 在高速公路上开车一定要小心。

You must be careful when driving on the highway.

The speaker is issuing a warning or advice about the need to be cautious while driving on the highway. Here, '高速公路' refers to 'highway'.


Zhège chéngshì de gāosù gōnglù fēicháng yōngjǐ.

English translation of 这个城市的高速公路非常拥挤。

The highways in this city are very crowded.

The sentence describes that the highways in this particular city are very congested. In this case, '高速公路' means 'highways'.


Gāosù gōnglù yīn shìgù ér fēngbì.

English translation of 高速公路因事故而封闭。

The highway is closed due to an accident.

The sentence provides information that the highway has been shut down because of an accident. The term '高速公路' means 'highway'.


Tāmen zài gāosù gōnglù shàng jiǎndào le yī zhǐ gǒu.

English translation of 他们在高速公路上捡到了一只狗。

They found a dog on the highway.

The sentence describes an event where a dog was discovered on the highway. The term '高速公路' refers to 'highway'.


Zhè zuò qiáo shì gāosù gōnglù de yī bùfèn.

English translation of 这座桥是高速公路的一部分。

This bridge is part of the highway.

The sentence is signifying that the bridge is included in the route of the highway. Here, '高速公路' represents 'highway'.


Wǒ jiā lí gāosù gōnglù fēicháng jìn.

English translation of 我家离高速公路非常近。

My home is very close to the highway.

The speaker is addressing the proximity of their residence to the highway. '高速公路' in this case refers to 'highway'.


Zuìjìn, gāosù gōnglù de jiànshè jìnzhan rúhé?

English translation of 最近,高速公路的建设进展如何?

How is the progress of the highway construction recently?

The question is about the status of highway construction in recent times. '高速公路' indicates 'highway'.

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