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gān jìng

English translation of 干净


The Chinese word for 'clean' is '干净'. It can be used in situations where you'd use 'clean' in English. For example, you can use it to describe someone's appearance, a tidy room, or even to order food without certain ingredients i.e. '干净' of something.

Example sentences using: 干净


wǒ de fáng jiān hěn gān jìng

English translation of 我的房间很干净

My room is very clean

This phrase describes that the room of the speaker is quite clean. It is just the English equivalent of 'My room is very clean'.


tā xǐ huān gān jìng

English translation of 他喜欢干净

He likes cleanliness

This phrase tells us that the person being referred to, in this case, 'he', likes cleanliness.


zhè gè dì fāng fēi cháng gān jìng

English translation of 这个地方非常干净

This place is very clean

This phrase describes that a certain place, referred to as 'this place', is very clean.


bǎo chí gān jìng

English translation of 保持干净

Keep it clean

This phrase is used to encourage maintaining cleanliness. It is equivalent to the English expression 'Keep it clean'.


gān jìng de yī fú

English translation of 干净的衣服

Clean clothes

This phrase describes clothes that are clean. It is equivalent to the English term 'clean clothes'.


nǐ xǐ huān gān jìng de huán jìng mā

English translation of 你喜欢干净的环境吗

Do you like a clean environment?

This phrase is a question asking if the person being addressed likes a clean environment.

孩子们, 干净就是健康

hái zǐ men, gān jìng jiù shì jiàn kāng

English translation of 孩子们, 干净就是健康

Children, cleanliness is health

This phrase is often used by elders to teach children that cleanliness contributes to good health


gān jìng de chú fáng

English translation of 干净的厨房

Clean kitchen

This phrase describes a kitchen setting that is clean. It is equivalent to the English term 'clean kitchen'.


gān jìng hé píng jìng de hǎi

English translation of 干净和平静的海

A clean and calm sea

This phrase is a description portraying the tranquility and cleanliness of the sea.


qǐng bǎo chí gān jìng bìng qiě zhěng jié

English translation of 请保持干净并且整洁

Please keep it clean and tidy

This phrase is a polite request for someone to maintain cleanliness and tidiness.

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