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English translation of 风

to be windy

In Chinese, '风' is the word for wind. It can be used in different contexts such as describing the weather, like '今天的风很大' which translates to 'The wind is strong today'. It can also be used metaphorically in phrases like ‘顺风’ which means 'to go with the wind' symbolizing going with favor or luck.

Example sentences using:


fēng de shēng yīn

English translation of 风的声音

The sound of the wind

This phrase refers to the noise made by the wind. The word 风(fēng) in this context refers to the wind.


fēng chuī cǎo dòng

English translation of 风吹草动

The wind blew and the grass moved

This phrase is used to describe a situation where the wind makes the grass move. The word 风(fēng) in this case stands for the wind.


fēng kǒu làng jiān

English translation of 风口浪尖

In the teeth of the wind and waves

This phrase means being in a precarious or important situation. The word 风(fēng) in this context symbolizes risk or danger.


fēng huá jué dài

English translation of 风华绝代

Outstanding elegance

This phrase is used to describe someone or something of unmatched elegance. The word 风(fēng) here stands for demeanor or bearing.


zhāo fēng xī yǔ

English translation of 朝风夕雨

Morning wind and evening rain

This phrase signifies a certain type of weather, with wind in the morning and rain in the evening. The word 风(fēng) refers to the wind in this case.


fēng hé rì lì

English translation of 风和日丽

Fine and sunny weather

In this phrase, the word 风(fēng) refers to the wind, symbolizing good, clear weather without harsh wind or storm.


kǎi fēng kuài qíng

English translation of 凯风快晴

Victorious wind and clear skies

This phrase symbolizes a successful situation or victory. The word 风(fēng) represents the wind, symbolising success.


fēng zhōng zhī zhú

English translation of 风中之烛

A candle in the wind

This phrase refers to something or someone that is in a precarious situation. The word 风(fēng) in this context stands for the wind, symbolizing danger or uncertainty.


wǒ ài qiū tiān de fēng

English translation of 我爱秋天的风

I love the wind in autumn

This phrase means that the speaker loves the feeling of the wind in the fall season. The word 风(fēng) here means wind.


fēng jǐng rú huà

English translation of 风景如画

The scenery is like a painting

This phrase indicates that the landscape or scenery is as beautiful as a painting. The word 风(fēng) here refers to the aesthetic view or scene.

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