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fēn fā

English translation of 分发


The Chinese word '分发' refers to the action of distributing, or delivering something to a number of people, often in a public or various places. It can apply to resources, tasks, goods, etc.

Example sentences using: 分发


wǒ fēn fā gěi nǐ zhè xiē wén jiàn.

English translation of 我分发给你这些文件。

I distribute these files to you.

The speaker is telling the listener that they are distributing certain files to them.


nǐ kě yǐ bāng máng fēn fā zhè xiē yāo qǐng ma ?

English translation of 你可以帮忙分发这些邀请吗?

Can you help distribute these invitations?

The speaker is asking the listener if they could assist in distributing invitations.


fēn fā tōng zhī shì tā de zhí zé.

English translation of 分发通知是他的职责。

Distributing notices is his responsibility.

The sentence highlights that it is a person's duty or responsibility to distribute notices.


fēn fā zī liào zuò zào hǎo de rèn wu.

English translation of 分发资料做造好的任务。

Distributing materials is a well-done task.

This sentence implies that distributing materials is a task that is done well.


tā zhèng zài fēn fā huì yì cái liào.

English translation of 她正在分发会议材料。

She is distributing the meeting materials.

This sentence is describing a scene where a woman is in the process of distributing materials for a meeting.


fēn fā rèn wu shì wǒ de gōng zuò.

English translation of 分发任务是我的工作。

My job is to distribute tasks.

The speaker is informing that their job or role involves distributing tasks.


kě yǐ fēn fā shí wù le ma ?

English translation of 可以分发食物了吗?

Can the food be distributed now?

The speaker is enquiring if it's the right time to start distributing food.


zhè xiē shū jiāng bèi zhǔn bèi hǎo fēn fā.

English translation of 这些书将被准备好分发。

These books will be ready for distribution.

The sentence states that the books will soon be ready to be distributed.


wǒ men xū yào fēn fā zhè xiē wèn juàn.

English translation of 我们需要分发这些问卷。

We need to distribute these questionnaires.

The speaker identifies a necessity to distribute certain questionnaires.


tā men zhèng zài fēn fā jiù shēng yī.

English translation of 他们正在分发救生衣。

They are distributing life jackets.

The sentence describes a situation where life jackets are being distributed.

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