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fèn dòu

English translation of 奋斗


The Chinese word '奋斗' is used much the same way as 'struggle' in English. It can refer to a strenuous effort to overcome a difficulty or achieving a goal. It's often used in a positive context to express determination, perseverance and hard work.

Example sentences using: 奋斗


Fèndòu shì chénggōng de wéiyī jiéjìng.

English translation of 奋斗是成功的唯一捷径。

Struggle is the only shortcut to success.

This phrase emphasizes that hard work and persistence are the only ways to achieve success.


Tā de zhěnggè rénshēng dōu zài fèndòu.

English translation of 他的整个人生都在奋斗。

His entire life is a struggle.

This sentence describes a person who is constantly striving to improve or succeed.


Tā wèile tā de jiātíng zài nǔlì fèndòu.

English translation of 他为了他的家庭在努力奋斗。

He is struggling hard for his family.

This sentence discusses someone who is working extremely hard in order to provide for their family.


Fèndòu huì gěi wǒmen dài lái gǎibiàn.

English translation of 奋斗会给我们带来改变。

Struggle will bring us change.

This phrase suggests that by confronting challenges and striving to overcome them, we can change for the better.


Bùpà kùnnán, yào yǒnggǎn fèndòu.

English translation of 不怕困难,要勇敢奋斗。

Don't fear difficulties, strive bravely.

This phrase encourages listeners to be brave and face difficulties head-on, working hard to overcome them.


Fèndòu kěyǐ yíngdé zūnzhòng.

English translation of 奋斗可以赢得尊重。

Struggle can win respect.

This statement suggests that those who work hard and overcome adversity often earn the respect of others.


Zhè shì zhídé wǒmen fèndòu de shìyè.

English translation of 这是值得我们奋斗的事业。

This is a cause worth fighting for.

This sentence indicates that the subject is something important and valuable, and therefore worth the hard work and dedication.


Tāmen qíxīnxiélì, wèi zìyóu fèndòu.

English translation of 他们齐心协力,为自由奋斗。

They worked together to fight for freedom.

This sentence portrays a group of people who are united in their efforts to fight for their freedom.


Wèile chénggōng, wǒmen yīnggāi yǒnggǎn de fèndòu.

English translation of 为了成功,我们应该勇敢地奋斗。

We should fight bravely for success.

This phrase encourages hard work and tenacity in the pursuit of one's goals or successes.


Wǒmen bìxū wèi lǐxiǎng fèndòu.

English translation of 我们必须为理想奋斗。

We must strive for our ideals.

This phrase emphasizes the importance of working hard to achieve one's dreams or goals.

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