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English translation of 废墟


The Chinese word '废墟' (feito) translates to 'ruin' in English. It is usually used to refer to a building or place that is in a state of decay or destruction, often as a result of some catastrophic event or long-term neglect. Similar to its English equivalent, '废墟' can be used both literally and figuratively. For instance, you can use '废墟' to describe a once-grand building now in ruins, or metaphorically to refer to a person's life or career that has been ruined.

Example sentences using: 废墟


zhè zuò fèi xū shì zhàn zhēng de yí liú.

English translation of 这座废墟是战争的遗留。

This ruin is a remnant of war.

The phrase depicts an image of a ruined and deserted place as a result of war.


zài dì zhèn hòu, zhěng gè chéng shì biàn chéng le fèi xū.

English translation of 在地震后,整个城市变成了废墟。

After the earthquake, the entire city has turned into ruins.

This sentence describes a tragic scene where a city is destroyed due to a catastrophic event like an earthquake.


zhè zhǒng bēi cǎn de fèi xū shì tā wéi yī de jiā.

English translation of 这种悲惨的废墟是他唯一的家。

This pathetic ruin is his only home.

The sentence depicts a sad image of a person who only got ruins as their home.


zhàn hòu, fèi xū zhōng zhǐ shèng xià zhè suǒ fáng zi.

English translation of 战后,废墟中只剩下这所房子。

After the war, only this house was left in the ruins.

The sentence tells about a single house being the only remaining structure among ruins after a war.


fèi xū zhī shàng, xīn shēng de xī wàng kāi shǐ méng yá.

English translation of 废墟之上,新生的希望开始萌芽。

On top of the ruins, new hope began to sprout.

The sentence metaphorically shows the beginning of hope in the midst of ruin or destruction.


fèi xū shàng de xīn shēng mìng gěi le wǒ men xīn de xī wàng.

English translation of 废墟上的新生命给了我们新的希望。

The new life on the ruins gives us new hope.

This sentence depicts the emergence of new life from the ruins as a symbol of hope.


fèi xū xià yǐn cáng de shì yī duàn bēi cǎn de lì shǐ.

English translation of 废墟下隐藏的是一段悲惨的历史。

Under the ruins is hidden a tragic history.

This phrase can be used when the ruins represent a site of historical significance, marked by an unfortunate event.


fèi xū bèi xīn de jiàn zhù suǒ tì dài.

English translation of 废墟被新的建筑所替代。

The ruins are replaced by new buildings.

This sentence can be used to describe a situation where new buildings replace the ruins, indicating development or advancement.


fèi xū zhōng de xiǎo māo chǎn xià le yī wū xiǎo māo.

English translation of 废墟中的小猫产下了一窝小猫。

The cat in the ruins gave birth to a litter of kittens.

The phrase portrays an image of life carrying on amidst ruins, depicted by a cat giving birth to its kittens.


fèi xū zhōng de yī zhī wū yā luò jiǎo zài le yī gè shí tóu shàng.

English translation of 废墟中的一只乌鸦落脚在了一个石头上。

A crow in the ruins landed on a stone.

The sentence describes a scene where a crow lands on a stone in the midst of ruins.

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