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fēi fǎ

English translation of 非法


The term '非法' in Chinese is used in similar contexts as the English word 'illegal'. It is used to refer to actions, objects or situations that are prohibited by law. For example, '非法赌博' would mean 'illegal gambling'.

Example sentences using: 非法


Zhè shì fēifǎ de xíngdòng.

English translation of 这是非法的行动。

This is an illegal action.

This sentence is usually used when someone is doing something that is against the law.


Fēifǎ màoyì shì yīzhǒng yánzhòng de wèntí.

English translation of 非法贸易是一种严重的问题。

Illegal trade is a serious problem.

This phrase expresses concern over unlawful trading practices.


Fēifǎ yímín shì quánqiú xìng de wèntí.

English translation of 非法移民是全球性的问题。

Illegal immigration is a global issue.

This sentence highlights the worldwide problem of illegal immigration.


Tā bèi zhǐkòng fēifǎ chíyǒu wǔqì.

English translation of 他被指控非法持有武器。

He is accused of illegal possession of weapons.

This sentence is used when someone is suspected of contravening laws by having weapons unlawfully.


Tā yīn fēifǎ dǔbó bèi bǔ.

English translation of 他因非法赌博被捕。

He was arrested for illegal gambling.

This sentence is usually used when someone has been apprehended due to unlawful gambling activities.


Fēifǎ kǎobèi diànyǐng shì fànfǎ de.

English translation of 非法拷贝电影是犯法的。

Illegally copying movies is against the law.

This phrase concerns the illegal act of duplicating copyrighted films.


Fēifǎ lièshā yěshēng dòngwù huì shòudào yánzhòng de chǔfá.

English translation of 非法猎杀野生动物会受到严重的处罚。

Illegal hunting of wildlife will be severely punished.

This phrase emphasizes that there are stringent penalties for illegal hunting of animals.


Fēifǎ xiàzài yīnyuè shì bù dàodé de.

English translation of 非法下载音乐是不道德的。

Illegally downloading music is immoral.

This statement is used to express disapproval of the illegal act of music piracy.


Fēifǎ qīngdǎo lājī yánzhòng wēixié huánjìng.

English translation of 非法倾倒垃圾严重威胁环境。

Illegal dumping of trash seriously threatens the environment.

This sentence highlights the environmental risks caused by the unlawful disposal of waste.


Zhè lèi yàowù fēifǎ yòngyú zēngqiáng yùndòngyuán de biǎoxiàn.

English translation of 这类药物非法用于增强运动员的表现。

These drugs are illegally used to enhance athlete's performance.

This statement brings attention to the illicit use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports.

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