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fā guāng

English translation of 发光


In Chinese, '发光' is used to describe something that emits, reflects, or even glows with light. It can be used to describe everything from stars in the night sky to a person who shines with talent or kindness.

Example sentences using: 发光


tā de yǎn jīng zài hēi'àn zhōng fā guāng.

English translation of 他的眼睛在黑暗中发光。

His eyes shine in the dark.

The speaker is using the term 'shine in the dark' metaphorically to express how another person's eyes are very noticeable even in the dark.


fā guāng de xīn xié zài tài yáng xià gèng jiā xuàn kù.

English translation of 发光的新鞋在太阳下更加炫酷。

The shiny new shoes look even cooler in the sun.

This is a description of new shoes that appear to be shiny or gleaming, particularly when they are exposed to sunlight.


tā shǒu lǐ de jīn zǐ fā chū le yào yǎn de guāng.

English translation of 他手里的金子发出了耀眼的光。

The gold in his hand emitted dazzling light.

In this sentence, gold is described as emitting a dazzling light, emphasizing its brightness and value.


zhè zhǐ yíng guāng bǐ kě yǐ zài hēi'àn zhōng fā guāng.

English translation of 这只荧光笔可以在黑暗中发光。

This highlighter can glow in the dark.

This statement describes a characteristic of a highlighter which has the ability to glow in the dark.


yuè liàng zài yè kōng zhōng fā chū jiǎo jié de guāng máng.

English translation of 月亮在夜空中发出皎洁的光芒。

The moon emits a bright light in the night sky.

This sentence describes how the moon illuminates the night sky with its light.


zhè zhǒng shēn hǎi yú kě yǐ zì jǐ fā guāng.

English translation of 这种深海鱼可以自己发光。

This kind of deep-sea fish can glow itself.

This statement is explaining a particular type of deep-sea fish that is bioluminescent, meaning it has the ability to produce and emit light on its own.


nà gè fā guāng de zhǐ shì biāo zhì bāng zhù wǒ zhǎo dào le lù.

English translation of 那个发光的指示标志帮助我找到了路。

The glowing signpost helped me find the way.

This sentence describes a situation where a visible, glowing signpost serves as an indicator or guide to help someone identify their route.


fā guāng de lù biāo ràng rén gǎn jué dào wēn xīn yǔ ān quán.

English translation of 发光的路标让人感觉到温馨与安全。

Lighted signs give a feeling of warmth and safety.

Here the lit signs are being described as providing not just visibility and guidance in the dark but generating a feeling of safety and warmth too.


wǒ fā xiàn le yī kē fā guāng de shí tóu.

English translation of 我发现了一颗发光的石头。

I found a glowing stone.

This phrase talks about a discovery of a stone that has the ability to emit light or glow.


fā guāng de xīng xīng zài tiān kōng zhōng shǎn shuò.

English translation of 发光的星星在天空中闪烁。

The shining stars are twinkling in the sky.

This sentence is about describing a beautiful night scene where the stars in the sky are shining and twinkling.

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