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è xīn

English translation of 恶心


The Chinese word '恶心' is used to describe something revolting, nasty or disgusting and is the direct translation of the English word 'gross'. It is a very common and informal term used in everyday conversations among the Chinese. Often, it is used to express personal feelings towards something unpleasant.

Example sentences using: 恶心


wǒ gǎnjué fēicháng ěxīn.

English translation of 我感觉非常恶心。

I feel very nauseous.

This phrase is used when one feels like throwing up or sick to the stomach.


nǐ de xíngwéi zhēn ěxīn.

English translation of 你的行为真恶心。

Your behavior is really disgusting.

This phrase is used to strongly criticize someone’s unacceptable behavior.


ěxīn de rén zǒng zài chuánbō ěxīn de shì.

English translation of 恶心的人总在传播恶心的事。

Disgusting people always spread disgusting things.

This phrase is often used to describe people who always talk about unpleasant matters.


ěxīn de rén shì xiǎnrán juéfēi nǐ suǒ yuàn.

English translation of 恶心的人事显然绝非你所愿。

The disgusting things are clearly not what you wished for.

This phrase is used to sympathize with someone who is forced to endure unpleasant things.


jiàn dào tā, wǒ jiù ěxīn.

English translation of 见到他,我就恶心。

I feel sick when I see him.

This phrase is used when the sight of someone is unpleasant or causes discomfort.


ěxīn de shíwù ràng wǒ ǒutù.

English translation of 恶心的食物让我呕吐。

The disgusting food made me vomit.

This phrase is used when one cannot tolerate bad or spoiled food.


ěxīn de huàyǔ shǐ rén fǎngàn.

English translation of 恶心的话语使人反感。

Disgusting words make people disgusted.

This phrase is used when someone's speech or conversation is offensive and repulsive.


ěxīn de jíbìng ràng rén shēnghuó wúfǎ rúcháng.

English translation of 恶心的疾病让人生活无法如常。

Disgusting diseases make people's life abnormal.

This sentence is used to describe a disease that is very disgusting and affects an individual's normal life.


ěxīn de shìqíng wǒ bù yuànyì qù xiǎng.

English translation of 恶心的事情我不愿意去想。

I don't want to think about disgusting things.

This phrase is used when someone refuses to think or recall unpleasant situations or instances.


ěxīn qíngkuàng xià wǒ wúfǎ gōngzuò.

English translation of 恶心情况下我无法工作。

Under disgusting conditions, I cannot work.

This phrase is used to express that one cannot work effectively under undesirable, unpleasant or disgusting conditions or scenarios.

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