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English translation of 锻炼


The Chinese word for 'exercise' is '锻炼' (Duan4lian4). It is used in China to refer to the English concept of physical or mental exercise, whether it involves sports, academic study, or health activities. This word is used in various contexts, just as 'exercise' is in English.

Example sentences using: 锻炼


wǒ měi tiān dōu yào duàn liàn

English translation of 我每天都要锻炼。

I exercise every day.

This sentence expresses daily habit, using '每天' to indicate 'every day' and '要' to indicate necessity or intention.


duàn liàn kě yǐ jiǎn féi

English translation of 锻炼可以减肥。

Exercise can reduce weight.

This sentence contains a causal relationship, using '可以' to express 'can' and '减肥' to indicate 'reduce weight'.


duàn liàn yǒu zhù yú shì fàng yā lì

English translation of 锻炼有助于释放压力。

Exercise helps relieve stress.

This sentence shows how something can aid in doing something else, using '有助于' to indicate 'helps' and '释放' to express 'relieve'.


duàn liàn néng gòu tí gāo xīn fèi gōng néng

English translation of 锻炼能够提高心肺功能。

Exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function.

This sentence states a potential benefit, using '能够' to express 'can' and '提高' to indicate 'improve'.


tā men zài gōng yuán lǐ duàn liàn

English translation of 他们在公园里锻炼。

They exercise in the park.

This sentence describes a specific action happening somewhere using '在...里' to express the location where an action is taking place.


zuó tiān wǒ méi shí jiān duàn liàn

English translation of 昨天我没时间锻炼。

I didn’t have time to exercise yesterday.

This sentence uses '没时间' to express the lack of time to do something with a specific time pointed at the start of the sentence.


duàn liàn néng ràng nǐ gǎn jué gèng hǎo

English translation of 锻炼能让你感觉更好。

Exercise can make you feel better.

This sentence makes a proposal with '能让你' to express 'can make you' and '感觉更好' to indicate 'feel better'.


duàn liàn shì wǒ de rì cháng shēng huó de yí bù fèn

English translation of 锻炼是我的日常生活的一部分。

Exercise is a part of my daily life.

This sentence utilizes '是...的一部分' to express 'is a part of' someone's, in this case '我的', daily life indicated by '日常生活'.


nǐ yīng gāi duō duàn liàn

English translation of 你应该多锻炼。

You should exercise more.

This sentence provides advice or suggestion, using '应该' to express 'should' and '多' to indicate 'more'.


duàn liàn duì jiàn kāng yǒu yì

English translation of 锻炼对健康有益。

Exercise is beneficial to health.

This sentence discusses the benefits of something, using '对' to indicate the benefactor and '有益' to express 'beneficial'.

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