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dǐ bù

English translation of 底部


In Chinese, '底部' is used to describe the lowest part or the base of something. It puts emphasis on the relative location of an item within a physical space or an abstract concept. For example, '底部' can be used when referring to the bottom of a webpage, a physical object or even a ranking.

Example sentences using: 底部


Nǐ bǎ zhège hézi fàng zài dǐbù.

English translation of 你把这个盒子放在底部。

You put this box at the bottom.

This sentence is instructing someone to place a box at the lowermost part of a structure or a pile.


Dǐbù yǒudiǎn shī.

English translation of 底部有点湿。

The bottom is a bit wet.

This sentence is conveying that the lower part of something is slightly damp.


Dǐbù tài huále, wǒmen xūyào zuò xiē shénme.

English translation of 底部太滑了,我们需要做些什么。

The bottom is too slippery, we need to do something.

This sentence is suggesting the need for an action due to the excessively slick condition at the bottom of an object.


Hú de dǐbù chōngmǎnle ní shā.

English translation of 湖的底部充满了泥沙。

The bottom of the lake is full of silt.

This sentence is showing the condition at the bottom of a lake, which is filled with silt.


Zhège xiāngzi de dǐbù yǒu dòng.

English translation of 这个箱子的底部有洞。

The bottom of this box has a hole.

This sentence is stating the fact that there's a hole at the bottom of a box.


Dǐbù de bùliào yǐjīng mósǔn.

English translation of 底部的布料已经磨损。

The fabric at the bottom has been worn out.

This sentence is describing the state of fabric at the lowermost part which has been worn out due to usage.


Lóutī de dǐbù yǒu gè xiǎo guìzi.

English translation of 楼梯的底部有个小柜子。

There is a small cabinet at the bottom of the stairs.

This sentence is pointing to the location of a small cabinet that is placed at the bottom of a staircase.


Tā bǎ shū fàng zài shūjià de dǐbù.

English translation of 他把书放在书架的底部。

He put the book at the bottom of the bookshelf.

This sentence is about someone who has placed a book at the bottom of a bookshelf.


Dǐbù de dēng xīmièle.

English translation of 底部的灯熄灭了。

The light at the bottom went out.

This sentence is informing that the light which is located at a lower position is no longer lit.


Dǐbù de huáhén shì yóu shénme zàochéng de?

English translation of 底部的划痕是由什么造成的?

What caused the scratches at the bottom?

This sentence is expressing curiosity about something that has caused scratches on the bottom of an object.

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