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dēng guāng

English translation of 灯光


In Chinese, '灯光' translates to 'lights'. This term can be used in many different contexts, such as stage lights, street lights, or car lights. Like in English, it can be both singular and plural depending on the context.

Example sentences using: 灯光


dēng guāng zhào liàng le yǎn chàng huì xiàn chǎng.

English translation of 灯光照亮了演唱会现场。

The light illuminates the concert venue.

This phrase provides an example of 灯光 being used to describe the lighting present at a performance or show.


dēng guāng zài yè wǎn gé wài míng liàng.

English translation of 灯光在夜晚格外明亮。

The lights are especially bright at night.

In this sentence, 灯光 refers to general or nondescript lights that are particularly bright during the evening.


dēng guāng yuè lái yuè àn le.

English translation of 灯光越来越暗了。

The lights are getting dimmer and dimmer.

This sentence describes a situation where the brightness of the light is gradually reducing, using 灯光 to indicate the dimming lights.


tā de yǎn jīng bèi qiáng liè de dēng guāng cì tòng.

English translation of 他的眼睛被强烈的灯光刺痛。

His eyes were stung by the intense light.

In this example, 灯光 is used to describe a very bright or intense light that causes discomfort.


dēng guāng zhào zài tā de liǎn shàng.

English translation of 灯光照在她的脸上。

The light shines on her face.

This phrase describes a situation where the light is directly shining on a woman's face. Here, 灯光 indicates the illuminating light.


zǒuláng de dēngguǎng bùgòu míngliàng.

English translation of 走廊的灯光不够明亮。

The corridor lights are not bright enough.



wǒ tiáo zhěng le dēng guāng de yán sè.

English translation of 我调整了灯光的颜色。

I adjusted the color of the light.

This phrase demonstrates the use of 灯光 in the context of adjusting or changing the color of a light.


dēng guāng tóu shè zài qiáng shàng de yǐng zi.

English translation of 灯光投射在墙上的影子。

The light casts a shadow on the wall.

In this example sentence, 灯光 is used to denote the light that is causing a shadow to appear on the wall.


dēng guāng wèi wǒ men de huì yì tí gōng le bì yào de zhào míng.

English translation of 灯光为我们的会议提供了必要的照明。

The lighting provided the necessary illumination for our meeting.

In this context, 灯光 is the source of illumination necessary for a meeting to take place.


dēng guāng shǐ de fáng jiān chōng mǎn le wēn xīn de qì fēn.

English translation of 灯光使得房间充满了温馨的气氛。

The lighting gives the room a warm atmosphere.

This phrase uses 灯光 to describe how the lighting in a room can contribute to creating a warm or cozy atmosphere.

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