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dà duō shù

English translation of 大多数


The Chinese word '大多数' is an adverb, similar to the English term 'mostly'. It is commonly used to describe when something happens or is true in most cases, but not all. For example, when you want to express that most people in a group have a certain opinion or characteristic.

Example sentences using: 大多数


dà duō shù rén dōu xǐ huān zhè běn shū.

English translation of 大多数人都喜欢这本书。

Most people like this book.

The sentence expresses that the majority of the people show affection towards a particular book.


dà duō shù xué shēng dōu tōng guò le kǎo shì.

English translation of 大多数学生都通过了考试。

Most students have passed the exam.



dà duō shù rén dōu tóng yì tā de guān diǎn.

English translation of 大多数人都同意他的观点。

Most people agree with his point of view.

The statement demonstrates that the views of a particular person have been accepted by the majority.


dà duō shù hái zǐ xǐ huān chī qiǎo kè lì.

English translation of 大多数孩子喜欢吃巧克力。

Most children like to eat chocolate.

In this example, it shows the common interest of the majority of children in chocolate.


dà duō shù de diàn yǐng wǒ dōu kàn guò le.

English translation of 大多数的电影我都看过了。

I have seen most of the movies.

This describes that a person has watched majority of all films.


dà duō shù rén dōu hài pà shé.

English translation of 大多数人都害怕蛇。

Most people are afraid of snakes.

It suggests a common fear among a large portion of people towards snakes.


zài dà duō shù qíng kuàng xià, wǒ dōu huì xuǎn zé lěng jìng.

English translation of 在大多数情况下,我都会选择冷静。

In most cases, I would choose to stay calm.

This statement represents a person's typical reaction to situations.


dà duō shù de guǒ zhī hán yǒu tiān jiā jì.

English translation of 大多数的果汁含有添加剂。

Most fruit juices contain additives.

This expresses a common fact about the contents of fruit juices.


dà duō shù fáng zǐ dōu yǒu nuan qì.

English translation of 大多数房子都有heat。

Most houses have heat.

The sentence means that the majority of the houses are equipped with heating facilities.


dà duō shù yuán gōng dōu xǐ huān tā de lǐng dǎo fēng gé.

English translation of 大多数员工都喜欢他的领导风格。

Most staff members like his leadership style.

This sentence points out that the majority of the workforce shows preference towards a person's management style.

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