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English translation of 匆忙


In Chinese, 'rush' is translated as '匆忙' (Congmang). It is used similar to English, when one is in a hurry or needs to speed up. It can be used in various contexts including rushing to work, school or any kind of event.

Example sentences using: 匆忙


tā cōng máng de chī zǎo fàn.

English translation of 他匆忙地吃早饭。

He eats breakfast in a rush.

In this sentence, '匆忙' is used as an adverb to describe the way the subject (he) is eating his breakfast. The sentence indicates that he is not taking his time with his breakfast; he is eating quickly because he is in a hurry.


wǒ zài cōng máng zhōng bǎ yào shi wàng zài jiā liǎo.

English translation of 我在匆忙中把钥匙忘在家了。

In my haste, I forgot the keys at home.

In this sentence, '匆忙' describes the state of the speaker (I) when the action of forgetting the keys at home occurred. It tells us that the speaker was very rushed or hurried when this happened.


cōng máng de zǎo chén ràng wǒ wàng jì le shí jiān.

English translation of 匆忙的早晨让我忘记了时间。

The rushed morning made me forget about the time.

In this sentence, '匆忙' is used as an adjective to describe the morning. The usage indicates that the morning was so hurried or busy that the speaker lost track of time.


nǐ wèi hé rú cǐ cōng máng.

English translation of 你为何如此匆忙。

Why are you so hasty?

Here, '匆忙' is an adverb that describes the manner in which 'you' are doing something. It denotes that 'you' are in some kind of hurry or rush.


wǒ kàn jiàn yī gè cōng máng de rén.

English translation of 我看见一个匆忙的人。

I saw a hurried person.

In this sentence, '匆忙' serves as an adjective, modifying the noun 'person'. It suggests that the person in question is in a hurry or rush.


wǒ men zài cōng máng zhī zhōng lái dào le jī chǎng.

English translation of 我们在匆忙之中来到了机场。

We arrived at the airport in a rush.

'匆忙之中' is a common Chinese phrase describing a state of busyness. In this sentence, it details the condition under which 'we' arrived at the airport.


tā de diàn huà dǎ duàn le wǒ de cōng máng.

English translation of 他的电话打断了我的匆忙。

His call interrupted my rush.

In this sentence, '匆忙' is an adjective describing the speaker's state of being in a rush. The speaker is so busy that they find the call disruptive.


tā cōng máng de bù fá jiē shì le tā de jiāo lǜ.

English translation of 她匆忙的步伐揭示了她的焦虑。

Her hurried steps revealed her anxiety.

'匆忙的步伐' means hurried steps. In this sentence, it is used metaphorically to express the lady's anxious feelings.


cōng máng de lǚ ké gǎn shàng le zuì hòu yī tàng chē.

English translation of 匆忙的旅客赶上了最后一趟车。

The hurried passenger caught the last ride.

In this sentence, '匆忙的旅客' refers to a passenger who is in a hurry or rushing. The statement suggests the passenger was so rushed that they only just caught the last ride.


zài cōng máng de shēng huó jié zòu zhōng, wǒ men xū yào xué huì fàng màn jiǎo bù.

English translation of 在匆忙的生活节奏中,我们需要学会放慢脚步。

In the fast-paced rhythm of life, we need to learn to slow down.

This statement talks about the hurried or fast-paced lifestyle ('匆忙的生活节奏') that many people lead, and advises learning to 'slow down', or take things at a more leisurely pace.

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