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English translation of 春


In Chinese, the word for 'spring' is '春'. This term is used quite similarly to the English word, referring to the season that succeeds winter and precedes summer. It's often associated with renewal, growth, and the blossoming of flowers.

Example sentences using:


Chūntiān láile.

English translation of 春天来了。

Spring has arrived.

This phrase signifies the arrival of the spring season, used often to express the change of seasons.


Chūnjié shì zhōngguó de chuántǒng jiérì.

English translation of 春节是中国的传统节日。

Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday.

This sentence stresses out that Spring Festival, or Chinese New Year, is a crucial holiday in Chinese culture.


Chūnfēng déyì.

English translation of 春风得意。

Triumphant as spring breeze.

This is a proverb which means someone is very successful or confident.


Chūnsè mǎn yuán.

English translation of 春色满园。

The garden is full of spring scenery.

This phrase is used to describe a garden filled with the beauty of spring.


Wǒ zài chūntiān chūshēng.

English translation of 我在春天出生。

I was born in the spring.

This sentence simply states the speaker's birth season as spring.


Chūnfēn shì chūnjì de zhōngdiǎn.

English translation of 春分是春季的中点。

The Spring Equinox is the midpoint of spring.

This phrase explains the Spring Equinox, which marks the middle of the spring season.


Chūnfēng guànzuì.

English translation of 春风灌醉。

Drunk with the spring breeze.

This is a poetic expression describing someone who is deeply intoxicated or enamored by the beauty of spring.


Chūnfēng huàyǔ.

English translation of 春风化雨。

Spring breeze turns into rain.

This proverb figuratively refers to a gentle and edifying influence (often teaching or education).


Chūn qù chūn yòu lái.

English translation of 春去春又来。

Spring goes and spring comes again.

This sentence refers to the cyclical nature of seasons, emphasizing the return of spring every year.


Zhè shì chūnnuǎn huā kāi de rìzi.

English translation of 这是春暖花开的日子。

These are the days when spring is warm and flowers bloom.

This sentence describes a beautiful and pleasant time during spring when the weather is warm and flowers are in full bloom.

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