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English translation of 吹


The Chinese term '吹' is the equivalent of the English word 'blow'. It is used in similar contexts as in English. You may use it when referring to the act of blowing air out of your mouth or blowing out a candle. Moreover, it is also applicable in context like blowing a whistle. However, be careful when using it as it may not represent all English contexts of 'blow'.

Example sentences using:


Tā chuīxīle làzhú.

English translation of 她吹熄了蜡烛。

She blew out the candle.

The subject, 'she', performs the action of blowing out, represented by '吹熄了', the object, 'the candle'.


Wǒ chuīle yīgè pàopào.

English translation of 我吹了一个泡泡

I blew a bubble.

The subject, 'I', performs the action of blowing, represented by '吹了', the object, 'a bubble'.


Chuáng qián chuī luò jǐ piàn huā.

English translation of 床前吹落几片花。

A few flowers fell by the bed.

The phrase describes the scene of a few flowers falling due to some kind of blowing action in front of the bed.


Tā xǐhuān chuī kǒushào.

English translation of 他喜欢吹口哨。

He likes to whistle.

The subject, 'he', is described as having the preference, 'likes', to perform the action of 'whistling', represented here by '吹口哨'.


Bàba chuī mǔqīn de tóufǎ.

English translation of 爸爸吹母亲的头发。

Father blows mother's hair.

In this sentence, the subject, 'father', performs the action of blowing, denoted by '吹', on the object, 'mother's hair'.


Chuīgǔshǒu juédìng fàngqì.

English translation of 吹鼓手决定放弃。

The flautist decided to give up.

In this context, '吹鼓手' refers to a flautist. The flautist made a decision, represented by '决定', to 'give up'.


Fēng chuīguò xiǎoxī.

English translation of 风吹过小溪。

The wind blew across the stream.

In this phrase, the subject, 'the wind', performs the action of blowing, represented here by '吹过', across the object, 'the stream'.


Chuī niúpí jiùshì kuādà qící.

English translation of 吹牛皮就是夸大其词。

Boasting is exaggerating.

In this phrase, the action of 'boasting', called '吹牛皮' in Chinese, is equated with 'exaggerating'.


Wǒ chuī pòle qìqiú.

English translation of 我吹破了气球。

I popped the balloon.

Here, the subject, 'I', is performing the action of popping, represented by '吹破了', on the object, 'the balloon'.


Shuǐshǒumen zài chuántóu chuī hào.

English translation of 水手们在船头吹号

The sailors are blowing horns at the bow.

The subject, 'the sailors', performs the action of 'blowing horns', represented by '吹号', at the location 'the bow'.

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